Re: Endow the pool?

Re: Endow the pool?

Mayme Trumble (
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 07:19:46 -0800

YES CHARLIE--MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! A Moscow Aquatic Center
Endowment would be great!

There are many things that I think we could do to raise money. Could we ask
for a $3/4 million dollar bond from the tax payers toward a pool. Have
several plans in the $4 to $9 million dollar range. Spend one year raising
money and then build what we have the money to build. If people want an
indoor, larger pool, fancier facilities they will get out to raise the
money. If it doesn't happen we have a bond to fall back on that will
support a good pool without breaking the backs of tax payers. There could
be a fund like Charlie preposes for everyone to donate to. If we took one
year to raise money and see what we can get, then we would have an idea how
much REAL support is out there for bigger and better pool. Put up your
money or shut up.

A fund raising idea that has been going around in my head has been one
where each grade 1-12 in Moscow competes in a fund raising thru the summer.
The grade that raises the most money by Sept. 15 gets free passes for two
years, or something reasonable. All the grades that participate and raise
more than $1000 get a free party at the pool for their grade only. My son
and his friends really enjoyed the front page article about the pool. I
asked them if they would be willing to fund raise to get that pool and they
said yes! A similar contest could be with the churches, retirement homes,
scout troops etc. People are more willing to donate if they think that kids
and adults are willing to go out and work for something. The skate park,
Chipman Trail and Whitworth Building are good examples. Some tax payers are
not interested in pouring money into projects for which the user isn't
willing to also pay for. How many people can resist helping their grand
kids, their neighbor kids or their neices and nephews?

Mayme Trumble

At 8:52 PM -0500 3/25/98, Charle5170 wrote:
>Has anyone presented the idea to the donor that instead of a one-time land
>purchase, how about setting up a Moscow Aquatic Center Operation and
>Replacement Endowment? Invest their cash gift. Use half the annual interest
>income (modest at first but ever growing) for operations. Plow the other half
>back each year to increase the principal and generate more.
>I'm no financial whiz but $350K invested at a paltry 6 percent for 20 years
>with only $10K plowed back per year will be worth more than $1.6 million (not
>adjusted for inflation). After 50 years we're talking $12.1 million! I
>suggest this because in the long term $350K now is peanuts compared to what it
>could do---when we need another pool. At some point in time, we can get
>recreation off the backs of the property owners, build all the pools we want,
>and still generate funds for operations. It won't happen overnight for sure
>but it definitely won't happen if all the cash is spent now. And besides, the
>donor's intent will then live forever.
>Charlie Powell

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