March 23, 1998 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of February 23, 1998.
B. Approval of Minutes of March 2, 1998.
C. Approval of Second-Hand Dealer and Pawnbroker License - Gib Myers
Jerry C. Hylton has applied for a Second-Hand Dealer License for Now &
Then, located at 321 E. Palouse River Drive. The Moscow Police Department
has recommended approval of the license.
ACTION: Approve issuance of a Second-Hand Dealer License to Jerry C.
Hylton for Now & Then at 321 East Palouse River Drive in Moscow.
D. Approval of Accounts Payable for February, 1998 - Jim Wallace
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
February, 1998, and recommends approval of the following:
General 355,146.71
Parks & Recreation 48,646.75
Arts 2,985.07
Street 43,829.91
911 20,714.06
Water & Sewer 129,087.95
Sanitation 778,539.53
Parking 1,490.96
TOTALS 1,380,440.94
E. Agreement For Weed Spraying Services - Gary Presol
A quote for 1998 weed spraying service is in hand from Shull Brothers of
Moscow for control of noxious weeds in City rights-of-way. Chemicals and
application rates are the same as those in the 1996 spraying service
ACTION: Approve Agreement for Weed Spraying Services and authorize Mayor's
signature thereon.
F. Change Order No. 1, Indian Hills Booster Station
The Indian Hills Booster Pump Station is complete and functioning well.
Changes to the scope of work resulted in a net contract increase of $2,529,
bringing the total contract amount to $88,175. The budgeted amount was
$95,000. Approval of the Council is now required.
ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 1 to the Indian Hills Booster Pump
Station contract and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
G. Bid Results - Washington Street/Jefferson Street/SH8 Waterline
Replacement - Gary Presol
In conjunction with and prior to the South Couplet project it will be
prudent for the City to replace the aged water main in the subject area.
Bids for the work were opened on March 18, 1998. Ace Elliott Landscaping
of Pullman, Washington submitted the low bid in the amount of $47,796.
ACTION: Accept bid from Ace Elliott Landscaping and authorize Mayor's
signature on agreement for same.
2. Swimming Pool Issues - Randy Rice, Gib Myers
At the March 11, 1998 Special Moscow City Council meeting, the council
accepted the reports of the Swimming Pool Facilities Committee and the
Swimming Pool Finance Committee. The recommendations of the Swimming
Facilities Committee were to construct an outdoor leisure pool in
accordance with the Facilities Committee's report.
The recommendation also included a proposed location for the swimming pool
on an approximately 9 acre property located on the northeast corner of the
intersection of "F" street and Mountain View. The Council entered into an
option to purchase the property on March 11, 1998.
The Swimming Pool Finance Committee recommended that the facility be
financed mainly through issuance of general obligation bonds coupled with
private donations and support from the City budget.
At a previous meeting the Council authorized the retention of the firm of
D.A. Davidson to act as financial consultants on a proposed bond issue, if
authorized by Council. Attorney Mike Moore of Moore and McFadden has agreed
to act as Bond Counsel for the bond issue.
A. Accept or reject the recommendations of the Swimming Pool Facilities
Committee for construction of an outdoor leisure pool and incorporated
facilities in keeping with the Facility Concept Design.
B. Accept the estimate of the Swimming Pool Facilities Committee of $3.6
million for the cost of construction of the swimming pool complex and
associated activities.
C. Adopt ordinance authorizing a bond election to occur on Tuesday, May 26,
1998 in the maximum amount of 3.6 million dollars for the purpose of
construction of a swimming pool complex and associated activities, under
suspension the rules of requiring three full and complete readings and that
the ordinance be read by title only, or take such other actions that the
council deems necessary.
D. If the ordinance is adopted authorizing a bond election, adopt
resolution retaining Mike Moore to act as Bond Counsel to facilitate the
election and issuance of bonds and authorizing the Mayors signature upon
the attached Agreement for Bond Counsel Services.
E. Take such other actions as deemed advisable.
3. Bid Results - WWTP Project - Gary Presol
Bids for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Headworks Project were opened on
February 18, 1998. The responsive low bid was submitted by Leone & Keeble
of Spokane in the amount of $701,335. The City's bid request included an
alternate for a second grinding unit, which was to be added to the project
if funds allowed. The bid from Leone & Keeble on the second grinder was
$45,316, bringing their total bid amount to $756,651. $776,000 has been
budgeted for this project.
ACTION: Accept low bid plus alternate from Leone & Keeble in the total
amount of $756,651 for the WWTP Headworks project, and authorize Mayor's
signature on agreement for same; or take such other action as the Council
deems necessary.
4. Joseph Street Bridge Replacement - Gary Presol
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) recently rated the Joseph Street
bridge as ready for replacement. Bridge replacements are eligible for
local federal aid in the amount of 80% of total cost. Placement of the
bridge in ITD's replacement program now will likely result in replacement
within the next two years. With 80% federal participation, the City's
share of the total cost is estimated to be about $57,000.
ACTION: Authorize staff to submit request to ITD to place the Joseph
Street bridge in its replacement program, and authorize Mayor's signature
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions