Senate Bill 1446--Prevention of Minors' Access To Tobacco

Senate Bill 1446--Prevention of Minors' Access To Tobacco

Marjorie J Maxwell (
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 07:43:15 EST


This bill passed the House 46-22 last Friday after an hours debate. The
bill was
sponsored by the Idaho PTA and opposed by business interests. Business
the bill was requiring far too much by requiring all tobacco products to
be under
lock and key or non-accessible to teenagers, and that vending machines
will be
phased out by the year 2000. All employees will undergo training in
how to
deal with the correct procedures designated under the legislation. A
four hour conference with all parties came up with a set of amendments
that i
could support.

The PTA pointed out that the prevention of youth access to tobacco
products within the state of Idaho is a goal to promote the general
health and welfare of Idaho's
young people. 27% of Idaho's youth currently smoke and almost 27% of
boys in Idaho use chewing tobacco which is significantly higher than the
national average.

Tobacco is the number one killer in Idaho causing more deaths by far than
illegal drugs, car crashes, homicides, suicides, fires and AIDS combined.
According to the Center for Disease Control 24,394 children in Idaho
currently under eighteen eyars will die prematurely from tobacco related
disease. Tobacco costs the state over $240 million each year and is the
single most preventable cause of death and disability in Idaho.

Studies indicate that tobacco is usually the first drug used by young
people who go on to use alcohol and other illegal drugs. A study from
the CDC shows that teens who smoke are three times more likely than
nonsmokers to use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and
22 times more likely to use cocaine. Most minors
buy their own tobacco products or steal from self-service displays. The
intent of the
bill is to prevent the illegal sale, theft and easy access of tobacco
products to minors and to prohibit the possession, distribution and use
of tobacco products by minors and to punish those who disregard this law.

Similar legislation in Illinois resulted in a 83% reduction in access of
tobacco to
minors and a reduction of 73% of teenage smoking and chewing. It will
interesting to monitor this bill in operation if it passes the Senate and
is signed
by the Governor.

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5

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