1) 129,000 pound weight limit for trucks to be run on three Southern
Idaho roads
passed the State Transportation Committee on a 5-4 vote. The
Senate will
probably pass the bill.
2) Common Sense Prevails---The House passed the five Health and Welfare
Bills that will make Idaho eligible to receive $43,000,000 to help
the state's ability to track down deadbeat parents. Deadbeat
owe about $280,000,000 to children and spouses in the State. If
we had not
passed the bill then Idaho citizens would probably have had to
come up
with additional funds (I call it a tax assessment on each citizen)
to provide
funds for enforcement and support for some of the children.
3) Tax Commission Bill--This will come up to the Senate this week.
The Tax
Commission reports that about 78,000 Idahoans who owe taxes do not
file a tax return. This amounts to about $212,000,000/year. In
fact we
as taxpayers have to pick up the slack for the non-payers.
The Governor is proposing to hire additional tax auditors to collect
estimated $12,000,000. This is a start. The auditors won't be
flying around
in black helicopters or hanging around Saturday morning garage
Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5
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