The existing Ghormley pool is 9000 SF, of which about 2/3 is under utilized.
Mostly because of it's depth. The little kids don't want to play in water
that is over their heads. The design of the new facility recognized this
fact and placed most of the emphasis on the leisure component. About 60% of
the new facility is in shallow water, accessible to all. It still includes
8 lanes, 25 yards long for lap and competition swimming. That is the same
size as the existing UI pool. The thinking is that more people will want to
use the leisure area. The new pool, as designed, will be a bit larger than
Ghormley at 10,000 SF plus.
Some people have suggested the pool be a 50 meter length as a way of
accompanying growth in our community. The pool committee disagrees with
this concept. If we wish to add more surface water for the future, it
should be placed where the majority of the people will use it; the leisure
component. Adding more length to the lanes will only add more still water
for the future. Few lap swimmers want or need 50 meters. The major reason
the pool committee could see for going to 50 m was for competition. One or
two swim meets a year did not justify the additional expense. To increase
from the proposed design to 50 m would cost an additional $800,485.00.
Larry Hodge
Pool Committee Member
Hodge and Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 8728
125 E. Third
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Voice: (208) 882-3520
FAX: (208)882-2622