-----Original Message-----
From: Don Coombs <dcoombs@uidaho.edu>
To: Inclusion in Moscow <inclusio@moscow.com>
Cc: 'vision2020@moscow.com' <vision2020@moscow.com>
Date: Saturday, January 31, 1998 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Children in our Community
>Who are you, "Inclusion in Moscow"? It would seem desirable for all of us
>to know who all of us posting messages are.
>I find it difficult to believe that the Moscow Deli and the Nobby closed
>because they weren't friendly to young children.
> Don Coombs
I agree. Maybe I'm getting "too old" to relate to contemporary raising of
One reason I was once a member of the Moscow Elk's Lodge, when it was
located on North Main, was to have a place to take my three young children
(pre-primary, and primary grades) to "eat out", so they could learn to do so
in a child-friendly environment where their child-behavior mishaps would not
embarrass me and Suzanne out of our gourds.
Once a week was family, spaghetti night. Yes, there was a red carpet on the
floor. But it didn't matter when the garlic bread and spaghetti succumbed
to the "force of gravity"!
We tried to train them there, and did a good job, but inevitably their were
some "accidents".
Suzanne and I raised only three, and that was awhile ago .... but we
believed, and still do, that we, and parents, were/are responsible for their
children's behavior, and that vendors, store and restraunt keepers were/are
not expected to tailor their operations to un-managed small children.
Have I lost touch with the contemporary world?
MoscowSam @1:44 a.m., early Sunday, Feb 1, 1998