Re: Act Now

Re: Act Now

Rick (
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 20:51:51 -0800

Timothy S. Hillebrand, Ph.D. wrote:
> Subject: Are you ready for the next Internet ISP tax, If so read on.
> The following message came to me from a retired executive of Southern
> Connecticut Bell Telephone Company. It seems that local phone companies
> throughout the United States are supporting legislation that would impose
> "per minute" charges for our connection to Internet Service Providers.
> I am writing you this to inform you of a very important matter. Currently
> under review by the FCC: Your local telephone company has filed a proposal
> with the FCC to impose per minute charges for your internet service. They
> contend that your usage has or will hinder the operation of the telephone
> network. It is my belief that internet usage will diminish if users were
> required to pay additional per minute charges. The FCC has created an email
> box for your comments. Responses must be received by February 13, 1998.
> Send your comments to <> and tell them what you think. Every
> phone company is in on this one, and they are trying to sneak it in just
> under the wire for legislation. Let everyone you know hear about this one.
> Get to the email address of everyone you can think of and ask them to e-mail
> to: <>. I would appreciate any further information from any
> of you regarding this matter.
> Tim

Tim and other Visionaries:

About a year ago this same subject floated through Vision2020. There
no basis in fact then, nor is there now. GTE has not recently
the FCC on this matter. In fact, the FCC is not even considering the
implementation of per minute Internet access fees at this time. This
anonymous email is the same one circulated across the Internet in early
1997 prior to the FCC's Notice of Inquiry on this subject to which they
ultimately voted against in May 1997. Bottom line: There is no news
to report concerning per minute Internet access charges.

Rick Gerrard (a GTE employee)
Moscow, Idaho
208 882-9330

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