January 5, 1998 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Newly Elected Council
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of December 15, 1997 City Council Meeting
B. Financial Audit Report - Jim Wallace
A copy of the audited Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ending
9-30-97 has been previously distributed. The audit report and the
management letter were reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee
December 29, 1997 and accompanied a formal presentation and discussion by
Jim Pilcher and Cade Konen of Hayden Ross & Co.
ACTION: Accept audit report.
C. Contract to Purchase Property for Fire Station #3 located at N Polk and
Hirschi Road
- Gary J. Riedner
A contract for purchase of property at the corner of North Polk Street and
Hirschi Road has been negotiated with the owners, Robin and Lori Courtright
for the location of a new fire station #3. The general location of the new
fire station was identified by a fire station location analysis conducted
by Design West Architects in April, 1996. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee November 25, 1997.
ACTION: Approve attached contract for purchase and authorize the Mayor's
signature thereon.
D. Application for Second-Hand Dealer License - Gib Myers
Byron F. Barfield has applied for a Second-Hand Dealer License for Gem
State Pawn, Inc., to be located at 524 West 3rd Street. The Moscow Police
Department has recommended approval of the license.
ACTION: Approve issuance of a Second-Hand Dealer License to Byron F.
Barfield for Gem State Pawn, Inc., at 524 West 3rd Street in Moscow.
E. Development Agreement with Joe Haener regarding Property Located at
621 Taylor Avenue
- Dale Pernula
Joe Haener wishes to construct apartments at 621 Taylor Avenue which would
require the installation of a fire hydrant. The enclosed Development
Agreement would cover the cost of this improvement. Reviewed by the Public
Works/Finance Committee December 29, 1997.
ACTION: Approve Development Agreement with Joe Haener regarding property
located at 621 Taylor Avenue.
F. Development Agreement with Harry Lee regarding Property located at 1001
Almon Street
- Dale Pernula
Harry Lee proposed to build a house on a lot located at 1001 Almon Street
which requires the installation of street improvements on Almon in addition
to other improvements already constructed. The Development Agreement would
cover the cost of these street improvements. Reviewed by the Public
Works/Finance Committee December 29, 1997.
ACTION: Approve Development Agreement with Harry Lee relative to property
located at 1001 Almon Street.
2. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Amendments to the Moscow U.B.C. -
Gary Presol
The proposed Moscow Erosion Control Amendments to the Moscow U.B.C.
regulates displacement of soils within the City and includes standards
which trigger more extensive erosion control planning, an exemption for
temporarily placed soils and provides for security to be posted to ensure
compliance in some cases. The proposed ordinance has been refined by the
Erosion Committee, reviewed by the Building Code Advisory Committee, and
the Public Works/Finance Committee.
ACTION: Consider ordinance on first reading; adopt ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three separate readings and provide that
the ordinance be read by title only, or take other action as the Council
deems appropriate.
3. Resolution Adopting Moscow Erosion and Sediment Control Standards,
August 1997 - Gary Presol
The Moscow Erosion and Sediment Control Standards, August, 1997, are the
result of many hours of effort by the Committee formed to study erosion
control within the City. The Standards reflect accepted industry practices
and will be used as guidelines to be applied to the newly adopted Erosion
Control Ordinance contained in Moscow City Code 7-1-2, subsection 3301.1 et
ACTION: Accept, reject or modify the Standards.
Fire Chief
Boards and Commissions
Oath of Office administered by City Clerk and certification of election
presented to new Councilmembers.
1. Mayor's Appointment of New Councilmember:
Mayor Comstock is proposing the appointment of Stephen Busch to the Council
seat rendered vacant by Mayor Comstock's election as Mayor. Idaho Code
Section 50.704 authorizes the Mayor to fill a vacant council seat by
appointment with the consent of the Council. The appointment shall be
valid only until the next general City election.
ACTION: Confirm Mayor's appointment of Stephen Busch to the City Council
to fill the position until the next general City election, which occurs in
1999. If appointment is confirmed, administer oath of office to Stephen
2. Council Organization:
Idaho Code requires the election of a president of the Council by the newly
constituted City Council. City Ordinance #91-11 calls for a vice-president
to be elected. Additionally, the Council will organize itself in a manner
to work on programs, policies, and projects. The Council has traditionally
been organized into two committees, the Public Works/Finance Committee and
the Administrative Committee.
a. Elect a Council President and Vice President;
b. Establish a working structure for the Council;
3. Set Meeting Date for Second Meeting in January.
The third Monday in January, which is the normal meeting date for the
Council's January special meeting falls on Martin Luther King/Idaho Human
Rights Day, a Federal, State and City holiday. City Code Section 2-2-1
states that in the event a council meeting falls on a holiday, the Council
will convene on the following day which is not a holiday, which would be
Tuesday, January 20, 1998.
ACTION: Set special meeting date for January Special Meeting.
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions