At 02:15 PM 12/18/97 -0800, Chris Anderson wrote:
> December 10, 1997
>Jeanne Leffingwell, Chair
>Cindy Phelps
>Jim Mital
>Joyce Romey
>Julie Miller
>Steve McGeehan
>Karen Falke
>Cheryl Scott
>Tony Johnson
>Larry Hodge
>Randy Rice
>The group reviewed the information pertaining to the six swimming pool
>options previously submitted by the consultant. The goal of the Committee
>is to determine which of the options should be developed for public
>presentation and comment. Larry presented a rough drawing incorporating a
>facility similar, yet larger than, design option #3. Larry said that the
>drawing was presented for discussion purposes only to help facilitate the
>Committee's need to define the options they wish to pursue. It was the
>consensus of the group that renderings for public review should include: 1)
>a configuration replicating the Ghormley Park pool (9,000 sq. ft.); 2) an
>enclosed 50-meter pool with a second tank consisting of a 3,000 sq. ft.
>leisure pool; 3) an outdoor American short course pool with six racing
>lanes, diving tank and a second tank consisting of a 5,000 sq. ft. leisure
>pool; 4) an indoor American short course pool with six racing lanes, diving
>tank and a second tank consisting of a 5,000 sq. ft. leisure pool. Larry
>has talked to several people who would be willing to provide their services
>to draw up whatever renderings the group would like to present. Those
>services may be volunteered, or perhaps a small stipend would be appropriate.
>Joyce presented a draft questionnaire that could be used in conjunction with
>the public presentation. She said that several questions were taken from
>previous surveys. The group reviewed and made comments on the questionnaire
>and will look at the revisions at the next meeting.
>Jeanne suggested that there may be other means of presenting the options to
>the public. She asked that each member think about sites in addition to the
>Palouse Mall and be prepared to discuss at next week's meeting.
>Cindy reminded everybody that next week's meeting will be at her residence,
>714 Ridge Road, at the normal 5:00 p.m. time. There will be no "Question of
>the Week" for the upcoming week.
>Meeting adjourned.
Lois Melina
Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
P.O. Box 9362
Moscow ID 83843
phone: (208)882-1794
fax: (208)883-8035