Now...if we can only get the Republican party and the Religious Right
to step up to the plate and strike a blow against hatred and intolerance
by dropping their many attempts to legislate morality, we will be making
some real progress towards acceptance, tolerance, and peace.
I hope there is a tremendously positive turnout for this vigil.
At 03:43 PM 12/12/97 +0100, Stephen Lyons wrote:
>Hello to all.
>Here is a news release to announce a response to recent actions of hate
>within our community. Hope all of you can join us in Pullman to be part of
>a strong, decisive, and sustained reaction to hate and intolerance. See you
>next Wednesday evening.
>Stephen J. Lyons
>December 12, 1997
> PULLMAN, Wash.-In a community response to recent actions of hatred
>in Pullman, a candlelight vigil will be held on Wednesday, December 17,
>from 5 to 6 p.m. at the High Street Mall in downtown Pullman.
> The vigil will include speakers, a moment of silence, ringing of
>bells and a closing song. Mitch Chandler, mayor of Pullman, and
>representatives of Washington State University will be among the speakers.
>The vigil is being sponsored by the Interfaith Dialogue Group of the
>Palouse, the Pullman Inter-Church Council, Building Community Through
>Diversity, and concerned members of the community.
> The Pullman vigil is also part of a coordinated, regional response
>to racist skinhead activity in Denver, Colorado, which resulted in the
>death of two men, Oumar Dia and Bruce Vanderjagt, and the paralysis of a
>woman who tried to intervene in support of the victims.
> In commemoration of those deaths at the hands of racist skinheads
>in Denver, the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment is asking
>churches across the region to ring their bells on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1997,
>at noon as a show of unity and a sign of hope.
> The Rev. Kristine Zakarison from the Community Congregational
>United Church of Christ said, "We hope that this will be an opportunity for
>all members of our community to gather and show support for those who have
>been victims of recent actions of hatred, and to join our hearts and voices
>in affirming that we do not tolerate this type of activity within our town.
> "In the ringing of the bells, we will be standing in solidarity
>with other communities across the Northwest in opposing actions of violence
>and hatred." Also on December 17, in a show of support, the Washington
>State University Carillon in Bryant Hall will be rung shortly after noon
>and again shortly after 6 p.m.
> High Street Mall is near the southeast corner of Main and Grand in
> For more information, contact Rev. Kristine Zakarison at the
>Community Congregational United Church of Christ, 509-332-6411 or