Re: Pullman vigil

Re: Pullman vigil

Scott Dredge (Scott_Dredge@BayNetworks.COM)
Fri, 12 Dec 1997 16:17:13 -0800

It's great to see the people of Moscow and Pullman organizing to
oppose hatred and intolerance. There are many different ethnicities,
religions, and political idealisms in this country. One of the
geatest attributes of the American democracy is the balance between
majority rule and minority protection.

Now...if we can only get the Republican party and the Religious Right
to step up to the plate and strike a blow against hatred and intolerance
by dropping their many attempts to legislate morality, we will be making
some real progress towards acceptance, tolerance, and peace.

I hope there is a tremendously positive turnout for this vigil.


At 03:43 PM 12/12/97 +0100, Stephen Lyons wrote:
>Hello to all.
>Here is a news release to announce a response to recent actions of hate
>within our community. Hope all of you can join us in Pullman to be part of
>a strong, decisive, and sustained reaction to hate and intolerance. See you
>next Wednesday evening.
>Stephen J. Lyons
>December 12, 1997
> PULLMAN, Wash.-In a community response to recent actions of hatred
>in Pullman, a candlelight vigil will be held on Wednesday, December 17,
>from 5 to 6 p.m. at the High Street Mall in downtown Pullman.
> The vigil will include speakers, a moment of silence, ringing of
>bells and a closing song. Mitch Chandler, mayor of Pullman, and
>representatives of Washington State University will be among the speakers.
>The vigil is being sponsored by the Interfaith Dialogue Group of the
>Palouse, the Pullman Inter-Church Council, Building Community Through
>Diversity, and concerned members of the community.
> The Pullman vigil is also part of a coordinated, regional response
>to racist skinhead activity in Denver, Colorado, which resulted in the
>death of two men, Oumar Dia and Bruce Vanderjagt, and the paralysis of a
>woman who tried to intervene in support of the victims.
> In commemoration of those deaths at the hands of racist skinheads
>in Denver, the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment is asking
>churches across the region to ring their bells on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1997,
>at noon as a show of unity and a sign of hope.
> The Rev. Kristine Zakarison from the Community Congregational
>United Church of Christ said, "We hope that this will be an opportunity for
>all members of our community to gather and show support for those who have
>been victims of recent actions of hatred, and to join our hearts and voices
>in affirming that we do not tolerate this type of activity within our town.
> "In the ringing of the bells, we will be standing in solidarity
>with other communities across the Northwest in opposing actions of violence
>and hatred." Also on December 17, in a show of support, the Washington
>State University Carillon in Bryant Hall will be rung shortly after noon
>and again shortly after 6 p.m.
> High Street Mall is near the southeast corner of Main and Grand in
> For more information, contact Rev. Kristine Zakarison at the
>Community Congregational United Church of Christ, 509-332-6411 or

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