1% Initiative, 1998 ver.

1% Initiative, 1998 ver.

Steve Cooke (
Mon, 24 Nov 1997 13:25:33 PST

Dear Visionaries,
The 1% Initiative petition for 1998 now being circulated states in
part: "... the citizens of Idaho limit the maximum
school maintenance and operation levies during the tax year 1999, not
to exceed an amount equal to two-tenths of one percent (.2%), not to
exceed an amount equal to one-tenth of one percent (.1%) during tax
year 2000, and not to exceed and amount equal to zero percent (0%) in
tax year 2001, and each year thereafter ..."

Note that in 1994, the Gov. & ID Legislature assumed responsibility
for .1% of local M&O for $44 million. (Since no additional state
rev. were generated beyond the growth in the base, this is where the
state employees raises have gone.) With increases in property
values, today each .1% property tax rate for school M&O is worth
about $50-60 million, so all three are worth about $150-180 million
per year of money from property tax that would be left unaccounted
for in the school districts' budgets by 2001.

The short title of this initiative is "Initiative to incrementally
phase out property tax levy for public school maintenance and
operation by the year 2001."

Steve Cooke
Associate Professor
Dept. of Ag. Economics & Rural Soc.
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83843
208-885-7170 (phone)
208-885-5759 (fax)

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