re: growth

re: growth

Kenton Bird (KBird@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Fri, 21 Nov 97 12:52:53 -0700

Bill and Visionaries:

Yes, Moscow's growth rate is less than that of other Idaho communities. But
the city population estimates don't tell the full story.

My perception was that since 1990, there has significant building in the
rural areas of Latah County within a 10-mile radius of Moscow -- roughly
contiguous with the Moscow School District. I wonder if it's possible to
break down the Latah County population estimate to a Moscow "city zone" that
would include some the adjoining unincorporated areas.

Most of these folks work in Moscow, and all of them shop there. So the
number of people using Moscow's streets and services is greater than the city
population. (Check out Highway 95 north, the Troy Highway or Mountainview
Road at 5 p.m. on a weekday and you'll see evidence of commuters to the

In many western cities -- including Fort Collins, where I'm teaching this
year -- vehicle miles traveled is rising much faster than the population
growth. People are driving longer distances to work, shop and recreate,
partly because of sprawl, partly because of lifestyles.

More cars on the streets during peak travel times contribute to the
perception of a larger population than the census figures might indicate.
Someone might look at vehicle registration figures for Latah County since
1990 and see how many more cars and trucks are on the road.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Original Message - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I remain confused about the claims that Moscow has "not grown" over the
last few years.
According to the story on page 4A of the Daily News 11/19/97 (last
night), Moscow is the tenth largest city in Idaho and tied for ninth
fastest growing urban area in the state with a growth rate of 9.3 percent
from April 1990 to July 1996.
That's not as exciting a growth rate as Meridian (115%) or Post
Falls (94.6%), but it ain't chopped liver, either......BL

- - - - - - - - - - - - End of Original Message - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kenton Bird, Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism & Technical Communication
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1785
Voice: (970) 491-5986 Fax: (970) 491-2908

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