ABout the purchase of the 1912MHS/Whitworth Building...the contributions in
excess of $174,000 are entirely private donations from members of the
community and friends of this project. There are no tax dolalrs going into
the purchase of the building. This is really a gift of the community to itself.
The real question behind your comment, Sam, is why should one public agency
purchase a public building from another public agency. The answer to that
question in this case is that the school district's mission and needs are
different, though I hope complimentary, to that of the city. The school
district has need for storage facilities, transportation facilities, etc.,
etc. and they have concluded that they cannot "give" one of their assets to
another public agency without some compensation for the value it represents
to the school district and their set of goals and objectives.
We might debate long and hard the wisdom of this segmented approach but the
bottom line has finally been reached.
Thankfully, the City has agreed to purchase the building and to do the
community facility planning study and the fiscal planning effort that is
needed to provide a phased development of the building into a treasured
facility that will meet many city and community uses. People across Moscow
are excited and hopeful about the many possibilities the 30,000 square feet
in the heart of our community offers.
Today, we hope the School DIstrict will accept this offer and we should
celebrate the 250 families and individuals who have given so generously to
reach this contribution that will give the 1912MHS/Whitworth Building a
chance at new life and usefulness to our entire community.
Sam, thanks for giving me the opportunity to celebrate this milestone and
appreciate all those who have been part of this effort! Hope you and all
Visionaries will be part of the planning effort. This is just the end of teh
beginning and exciting, community-building opportunities are before us!!!
Cheers to all,
Linda Pall
At 07:58 AM 11/18/97 -0800, you wrote:
> I quess I don't understand why the swimming pool at the U of I is not
>It's paid for , owned by us already, indoor, warmed and accessible.
>Along these same lines I don't understand why the Whitworth building has to
>be bought by one agency from another for more tax dollars. It already
>belongs to the
>citizens of Moscow. Eminant Domain is still a viable option.
>Sam Duncan