just a thought....
On Wednesday, November 12, 1997 9:10 AM, Kenton Bird [SMTP:KBird@vines.ColoState.EDU] wrote:
> Jeanne and Visionaries:
> Has the pool study committee looked at the possibility of forming a
> recreation district? (It's one of those special districts permitted under
> Idaho law.)
> Elk River formed one a few years ago to pay for tennis courts at its city
> park. The city realized that more than city residents were playing tennis
> there, so drew boundaries outside the city to bring in a larger property tax
> base.
> I believe these districts are allowed to collect a small tax without having
> to go to a public vote (like the statutory levies that school districts and
> highway districts collect). It's not a lot of money, but would provide some
> stable funding beyond user fees and rentals.
> This might be a way to bring in revenue from potential users outside the city
> of Moscow, who probably include people from as far away as Genesee, Potlatch
> and Troy. (It also might be easier to form a recreation district than to
> convince the county commissioners to participate in a joint pool with city.)
> The school district might also be more interested in participating if the
> super-majority for a bond issue for buildings is reduced to 60 percent from
> two-thirds. Good luck, Tom, in convincing your colleagues in Boise to change
> that law.
> --Kenton
> ****
> Kenton Bird, Visiting Assistant Professor
> Department of Journalism & Technical Communication
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins, CO 80523-1785
> Voice: (970) 491-5986 Fax: (970) 491-2908
> E-mail: KBird@vines.colostate.edu