Fish and Game and Planning and Zoning

Fish and Game and Planning and Zoning

Don Coombs (
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 09:36:05 -0800 (PST)

Mary Aegerter, program chairman for the Palouse Audubon Society, has asked
me to bring this meeting to the attention of Vision 2020 members, and to
extend a special invitation to them:

As part of the development of a comprehensive plan for Latah County, the
Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game is working to have conservation language
included. At Wednesday's meeting of the Audubon Society, Gregg Servheen of
IFG will review progress and ask for help. Gregg will be asking for
opinions on how they are doing and whether enough conservation areas and
issues have been included. He would like more participation, more calls
for conservation to reach the county Planning and Zoning Commission. We
invite you to attend the meeting, talk to Gregg, and make an impact on
critical issues affecting birds and other wildlife.

The meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the Moscow Community

Don H. Coombs
861 Harold St.
Moscow ID 83843
(208) 882-8720

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