moscow city council agenda for october 20 1997

moscow city council agenda for october 20 1997

Gib Myers (
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 08:32:02 -0700


October 20, 1997 7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street


1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Minutes of October 6, 1997 City Council Meeting

B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month September, 1997
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
September, 1997 and recommends approval of the following:
General $398,708.98
Parks & Recreation 65,959.61
Arts 2,853.30
Streets 469,554.21
911 14,025.11
Bond & Interest 430.00
Water & Sewer 211,271.49
Sanitation 221,231.55
Parking 2,229.60
LID Construction 4,356.29
LID Bond & Interest 10,437.50
TOTALS $1,401,057.64

C. Approval of Judges & Clerks for November 4, 1997 Election - Elaine Russell
Those individuals on the enclosed list have been contacted and have agreed
to work at the November 4, 1997 City election.

ACTION: Approve enclosed list for the November 4, 1997 City election.

D. Right-of-Way Tree Issues - Randy Rice
Results of the recently completed right-of-way tree inventory reveal a
number of trees requiring removal or hazard pruning. Twenty-four trees
have been targeted for removal and approximately 100 for pruning. The
Community Forestry Ordinance places the financial responsibility for
removal and maintenance upon adjacent property owners. The Administrative
Committee reviewed the policy issues associated with this program and
recommends that the City pay for pruning and removal costs incurred as a
result of previous sidewalk replacement that damaged trees (five removals
and 18 prunings at an estimated cost of $5,000). In addition, the
Administrative Committee recommends the continuation of a low interest loan
program for property owners required to remove trees. The unbudgeted
program costs will be taken from the general buildings budget which will
result in a line item overrun.

ACTION: Approve City payment for the removal and pruning costs of
right-of-way trees damaged as a result of previous City mandated
right-of-way sidewalk replacement program. Authorize a low interest loan
program for adjacent property owners required to remove trees located on
the right-of-way.

2. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance - Gary Presol
The proposed Moscow Erosion Control Ordinance regulates displacement of
soils within the City and includes standards which trigger more extensive
erosion control planning, an exemption for temporarily placed soils and
provides for security to be posted to insure compliance in some cases.

ACTION: Consider ordinance on first reading; adopt ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three separate readings and provide that
the ordinance be read by title only, or take other action as the Council
deems appropriate.

3. Resolution Adopting Moscow Erosion and Sediment Control Standards,
August, 1997 - Gary Presol
The Moscow Erosion and Sediment Control Standards, August 1997, are the
result of many hours of effort by the committee formed to study erosion
control within the City. The Standards reflect accepted industry practices
and will be used as standards to be applied to the new adopted Erosion
Control Ordinance contained in Moscow city Code 7-1-2, subsection 3301.1 et

ACTION: Accept, reject, or modify the Standards.

4. Resolution Establishing Grading Permit Fees - Dale Pernula
Attached is a resolution establishing fees for grading permits under
Uniform Building Code Appendix Chapter 33. The fees are the standard fees
suggested by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO).
Reviewed by the Administrative Committee 10/13.

ACTION: Reject or approve attached resolution.

5. Consideration of 1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building Counteroffer
- Gary J. Riedner
On September 22, 1997, the City rejected an offer from Moscow School
District #281 for the 1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building for the
sum of $191,000.00. The School District has submitted the attached offer
to sell the building to the City for $150,000.

ACTION: Consider offer and accept or reject the offer and direct staff to
proceed in accordance with Council's wishes.

6. Approval of Written Findings of Fact relative to the Appeal by Kevin
Adams of a Decision of the Board of Adjustment - Dale Pernula
Staff was directed by the Council to draft written findings of fact for the
above referenced matter after its consideration on October 6, 1997.
Attached is a draft findings, conclusions and order which has not been
reviewed by a Committee.

ACTION: Approve written findings of fact.


Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions

Gib Myers
City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
Moscow, ID 83843

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