October 6, 1997 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of September 22, 1997 City Council Meeting
B. Request to Declare Surplus Property/Street Department - Mike McGahan
In July the Street Department switched from the use of oil base to water
base traffic paint and has approximately 750 gallons they would like to
declare surplus and sell. The City of Lewiston has offered to purchase
this paint. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee on 9/29/97.
ACTION: Declare paint as surplus and authorize sale of said paint.
C. Cavalieri Lot Line Adjustment - Dale Pernula
The owners of Lot 10, Block 1, Meadow Brook Addition purchased 30
additional feet from the adjoining lot, Lot 9, as shown on the enclosed
drawing, and wish to utilize the west line of the added property as a side
yard. Lot 9 would not be buildable, but the owner of that lot owns
additional land to the west and has a number of options available.
Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on September 30.
ACTION: Approve Cavalieri lot line adjustment as proposed.
D. Community Center Lease Agreement - Randy Rice
This agreement will extend the lease with the Friendly Neighbors Senior
Citizen Club for one year. The lease covers the use of the kitchen and
meeting room for the meal site program. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee 9/30/97.
ACTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the lease agreement.
E. Destruction of Semi-permanent Records - Elaine Russell
Idaho law requires the Council pass a resolution for the destruction of
semi-permanent records.
ACTION: Pass resolution authorizing City Clerk to destroy records.
F. Community Center Parking Lot Improvement Overrun - Randy Rice
The original proposal was to pave the parking lot; however, quotes were
received for paving the alley and parking area immediately east of City
Hall. Staff proposes that the project be done in its entirety. Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance Committee on 10/6/97.
ACTION: Authorize pavement of alley and parking area east of City Hall
in addition to public parking lot.
2. Fall Burning Period - Don Strong
The Fire Department requests that the Council determine if there will be a
fall burning period. The Administrative Committee recommends that no fall
burning period be held, and that the spring burning period be allowed on an
annual basis. Reviewed by Administrative Committee 9/30/97.
ACTION: Deny fall burning period and approve attached resolution, or
take any other action deemed appropriate.
3. Request from Cameron Farms, Inc. to Reduce the Pavement Width of Streets
in Paradise Preserve Subdivision - Dale Pernula
When the City Council approved Paradise Preserve, a condition was that
streets be constructed to the SR or Large Lot Subdivision standard. The
Camerons are proposing a reduction in the pavement width of that standard
from 28 feet to 20 feet. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee on
September 22, 1997.
ACTION: Permit the street pavement width reduction to 20 feet as proposed
or retain the original condition of subdivision approval.
4. Appeal of Decision of Moscow Zoning Board of Adjustment to Deny a
Conditional Use Permit for a Mini-Warehouse Facility in the Moscow Area of
City Impact - Kevin Adams - Dale Pernula
Kevin Adams applied for a conditional use permit to develop a
mini-warehouse storage facility on his property located on Farm Road, south
of Harden Road. The Zoning Board of Adjustment held a hearing on the
application on July 1, 1997, and passed a motion to deny the application on
August 5, 1997. A complete record on this matter is attached.
ACTION: Review the appeal and record on the matter, focusing on whether
the findings of fact and conclusions are supported by the record, and take
one of the following actions: 1) Sustain or reverse the decision of the
Board; if the decision is reversed, conditions may be attached to the
permit. 2) Remand the matter to the Board for further consideration. 3)
Schedule a public hearing to be held before the City Council.
5. Mayor's Appointments
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
Gib Myers gmyers@moscow.com
City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
Moscow, ID 83843