moscow city council sept 22 meeting agenda

moscow city council sept 22 meeting agenda

Gib Myers (
Mon, 22 Sep 1997 08:33:38 -0700


September 22, 1997 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street


1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Minutes of September 8, 1997 City Council Meeting

B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of August, 1997
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
August, 1997 and recommends approval of the following:

General $486,917.57
Parks & Recreation 74,110.14
Arts 3,245.56
Street 200,033.71
911 13,712.54
Bond & Interest 605.84
Water & Sewer 225,092.58
Sanitation 191,915.69
Parking 2,398.33
TOTAL $1,198,031.96

C. Set Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Moscow Zoning Code - Dale
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on a number of
proposed amendments to the Zoning Code on August 13, 1997, and those
amendments were reviewed by the Administrative Committee on September 9,
1997. A copy of the proposal is enclosed along with the minutes of the
hearing held by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

ACTION: Set public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code
on November 3, 1997.

D. Set Public Hearing for Annexation of Properties Receiving City Services
- Dale Pernula
The Administrative Committee met with owners of property currently
receiving City water and/or services and which are not in the City on April
22, 1997 to discuss the possibility of annexation. On June 18 the
Administrative Committee directed staff to initiate the annexation process,
and a hearing was held on this matter and zoning of the properties was held
by the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 23.

ACTION: Set public hearing on annexation of properties receiving City
water and/or services on November 3, 1997.

E. Resolution on Solid Waste Fees - Jim Wallace
The enclosed Resolution adopts the reduction in solid waste fees approved
in the FY 97-98 Budget. The reduction in the Residential Base Access Fee
from the current $8.50 down to $4.25 is the second significant reduction in
this rate from the original amount of $12.50. Rate reductions of
approximately 10% are also incorporated for commercial containers (with a
new rate option added for single can commercial accounts). Fee waiver
exemptions have been expanded for tire disposal for Latah County residents
and the Transfer Station tipping fee has been reduced from $65.00 to $60.00
per ton. This item was reviewed by the Administrative Committee on 9/16/97
with a recommendation to adopt with the addition of the one-can commercial

ACTION: Adopt the enclosed Resolution and authorize appropriate signatures.

F. Agreement with Michael and Janice Hess to allow an Encroachment into a
Utility Easement - Dale Pernula
Michael and Janice Hess own a home at 708 Vista Street. The northeast
portion of their property received considerable damage from a mudslide a
couple of years ago. Their plan, which would both solve the erosion
problem and provide garage space, would require encroachment of about three
feet into an unused utility easement. Reviewed by the Administrative
Committee on 9/15/97.

ACTION: Approve enclosed encroachment agreement.

G. Memorandum of Agreement Relative to the Hult Property Located North of
Moscow - Dale Pernula
Latah County approved the installation of a second dwelling unit on a
parcel of land in 1992. That two-acre parcel is now located in the Moscow
Area of City Impact and is zoned R-1. The agreement would both recognize
the County's approval of a second single-family dwelling and would require
the conversion and use of the existing dwelling from a duplex to a
single-family dwelling. Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on
September 16, 1997.

ACTION: Approve enclosed Memorandum of Agreement with the Hults.

H. Voluntary Consent Order - Gary Presol
The record wet weather seasons and the associated infiltration/inflow into
our sanitary sewer system has caused the City Wastewater Treatment Plant
(WWTP) to be hydraulically overloaded at times. This overloading condition
does not allow the WWTP to operate at its usual efficiency resulting in an
effluent that occasionally does not meet the requirements of our NPDES
discharge permit issued by the EPA. Consequently the EPA, acting through
Idaho DEQ, would like the City to enter into an agreement where the City
recognizes the problems we are experiencing at the plant and agree to
offset the additional sanitary sewer flow from new construction and growth
with reduced infiltration/inflow flows into the sanitary sewer system.
Staff feels this is acceptable. With the Order we also agree to making
improvements to the WWTP on a timely schedule which we are already in the
process of doing. Reviewed by Administrative Committee 9/16/97.

ACTION: Approve Voluntary Consent Order and authorize Mayor's signature.

I. Palouse Trail Crossing Agreement and Change Order - Randy Rice
The attached agreement and accompanying change order are being presented
for Council action. The agreement allows for the crossing of the active
line operated by Blue Mountain Railroad in order to link up with the
existing path immediately to the east of the project, which is still within
the budget. The change order authorizes the work contained in the bid
alternate and the additional cost of providing railroad liability
insurance. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee on 9/22/97.

ACTION: Approve the crossing agreement, easement and change order and
authorize Mayor's signature.

J. Contract for Custodial Services - Randy Rice
Proposals were received for custodial services for City Hall, City Hall
Annex and the Youth Center - American Building Maintenance $35,938.56; and
Service Master $49,464.96. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee on

ACTION: Accept low quote as submitted by American Building Maintenance
and authorize Mayor's signature.

2. Consideration of 1912 Moscow High School/Whitworth Building Counteroffer -
Gary J. Riedner
In response to the City's offer to purchase the 1912 Moscow High
School/Whitworth Building as authorized by Council action on August 25,
1997, Moscow School District #281 has submitted the attached counteroffer
which is contained in a letter dated September 11, 1997, from John Walker,
attorney for School District 281.

ACTION: Consider counteroffer and accept or reject the counteroffer and
direct staff to proceed in accordance with Council's wishes.

3. Mayor's Appointments


Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions

Gib Myers
City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
Moscow, ID 83843

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