Linear Park open house Sept. 23

Linear Park open house Sept. 23

Judith Brown (
Fri, 19 Sep 97 09:52:18 PDT


On Tuesday, September 23 the Moscow Linear Park Task Force will be hosting
an open house from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the City Council chambers (2nd
floor of the Community Center, 3rd & Washington Sts.)

The open house is an opportunity for the public to participate in planning
the next, newest segment of Moscow's linear park. The property lies along
Paradise Creek in the area between the Troy highway and Styner Ave., with
access from Styner. At 3.5 acres, the park is big enough to function as
both a segment of the linear park and as a small neighborhood or "pocket"
park. Part of the property was recently gifted to the City by Katrina
Berman under the provisions of a conservation easement. Hence planning for
this portion of the park at least will emphasize such things as plantings
of native species, the enjoyment of nature and environmental interpretation.

At the open house you will be able to familiarize yourself with maps of the
site and with the requirements of a conservation easement, and to
contribute your suggestions for the park. This will be an informal,
drop-in session -- come and stay as long as you like, or as little.
Refreshments will be provided.

This is an exciting opportunity for Moscow, and the involvement of the
public in the development of the linear park is of critical importance to
the Task Force.

Hoping to see you there,

Judy Brown, Chair
Moscow Linear Park Task Force

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