Before the Board of Latah County Commissioners
Monday September 29, 1997
The Board of Latah County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on
Monday, September 29, 1997, in Room 2B of the Latah County
Courthouse, Moscow, Idaho, to receive comments on:
1:30p.m. - Wilson RZ #559 - A request by Ken R. Wilson to rezone
13.23 acres from Agriculture/Forest (AF) to Rural Residential-5 acre
minimum (RR-5), in Section 17, Township 38 North, Range 2 West,
B.M., in Latah County. The property is located on the north side of
Cedar Ridge Road, approximately 1 mile east of the City of Kendrick.
2:00 p.m. - Miller RZ #557 - A request by Stanley & Patricia Miller to =
rezone 4.01 acres from Agriculture/Forest (AF) to Rural Residential-3
acre minimum (RR-3), in Section 6, Township 39 North, Range 4 West,
B.M., in Latah County. The property is located on the south side of
Robinson Park Road, approximately .7 miles east of Robinson Park.
2:30 p.m. - Sargent/Russell RZ #558 - A request by David Sargent and
Kerry Russell to rezone 6.78 acres from Agriculture/Forest (AF) to Rural =
Residential-5 acre minimum (RR-5), in Section 18, Township 41 North,
Range 4 West, B.M., in Latah County. The property is located on the
south side of East Rock Creek Road, approximately 1/2 mile east of
Rock Creek Road.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend the public hearing.
Accommodations for individuals who qualify under the Americans with
Disabilities Act are available upon request. Notice is required in the =
Commissioner=12s Office three working days prior to the hearing in order =
to acquire accommodations for individuals needing assistance.
This hearing is open to all interested persons. Those interested may be =
permitted to provide written or verbal information related to the matter =
before the Board.
Additional information on this request, including full copies of the staf=
packet, are available from the Planning Office at the Latah County
Courthouse, Moscow, Idaho (Phone 208-882-8580). Written
comments will be accepted at the above office prior to the public
(This is a Public Service Announcement Only.)