moscow city council 9-8-97 agenda

moscow city council 9-8-97 agenda

Gib Myers (
Fri, 05 Sep 1997 15:59:55 -0700


September 8, 1997 7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street


1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Minutes of August 25, 1997 City Council Meeting

B. 1997 Airport Improvement Program Project Grant Application - David Crowner
This grant application is for the 1997 Airport Improvement Program project
which includes improvement of airfield drainage. The total project cost is
$732,692.00 and the FAA's share is 90% of the total costs. The remaining
10% will come from the airports general fund. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee 9/4/97.

ACTION: Approve grant application and authorize Mayor's signature.

C. Mountain View Storm Sewer Change Order - Gary Presol
There were three sanitary sewer lines which fell within the storm sewer
trench. These lines had to be re-plumbed so that they would be situated
under the storm sewer pipe. Amount for this additional work is $1,125.00.
Revised contract amount is $186,483.00; budgeted amount is $200,000.00.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee 9/8/97.

ACTION: Approve Change Order Number 1 in the amount of $1,125.00 and
authorize Mayor's signature.

D. Mountain View Bridge Widening Change Order - Gary Presol
Change Order Number 1 includes the following changes: concrete encasement
of storm culvert connection band; installation of 60 feet of 12 inch D.I.
watermain under new culverts (paid by Water Department); furnish and
installation of additional rip-rap; additional excavation and backfill.
The attached change order is self expanatory as to why the additional work
was required. Total amount of change order is $7,921.83; original contract
amount was $132,500. Revised contract amount is $140,421.83, budgeted
amount is $120,000.00. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee on 9/8/97.

ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 1 to A & R Construction, Inc.

E. Policy for Retiring Police Officers - Dan Weaver
Enclosed policy provides for police officers to retain their duty weapons
upon retirement. Reviewed by Administrative Committee on 9/3/97.

ACTION: Approve policy.

F. Resolution Proclaiming a General City Election - Elaine Russell
The resolution proclaims the date of the election, designates the polling
place, designates the registrars, and orders the City Clerk to give notice
of such election.

ACTION: Adopt resolution proclaiming a general City election on November
4, 1997.

2. Morton Street Improvements - Dale Pernula
Latah Distributors is proposing a building expansion for its facility
located on West Morton Street, which is only partly improved. The enclosed
development agreement would require the installation of a water line and
fire hydrant in front of their building site. Reviewed by the Public
Works/Finance Committee on 9/4/97.

ACTION: Reject or approve enclosed development agreement with Latah

3. 1998 Idaho Community Development Block Grant Application - Gary
Presol/Dale Pernula
An Idaho Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) application in the
amount of $0.5 million will be resubmitted, with Council approval, for City
desired enhancements and other improvements to be constructed in
conjunction with the ITD's South Couplet Project. A memorandum and cost
estimates for various enhancements are enclosed. Reviewed by PW/Finance
Committee 9/4/97.

ACTION: Authorize the preparation of an ICDBG application; provide
direction to staff as to the improvements to be funded through the grant;
and authorize staff to make a request for proposals for a grant administrator.

4. Swimming Pool Direction - Randy Rice
Prior to the beginning of the planning process for a new swimming pool,
Council consensus on a direction is being sought. The attached memorandum
represents tentative decisions requiring Council review. Reviewed by
Administrative Committee on August 13 and September 3.

ACTION: Approve or modify the direction to be taken with the planning
process for a new swimming pool.

5. Ordinance - Temporary Parking Permits - Dan Weaver
The Police Department has requested an ordinance to allow a contractor to
pay for the use of parking spaces during a construction or remodeling
project. This ordinance will allow contractors to haul materials in and
out of the project site without receiving a parking ticket and will also
allow the Police Department to regulate parking during such projects.
Reviewed by Administrative Committee 9/4/97.

ACTION: Consider ordinance on first reading; adopt ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three separate reading and provide that
the ordinance be read by title only, or take other action as the Council
deems advisable.

6. Resolution Authorizing Certification to Regulate Basic Cable Service
Rates - Randy Fife
The City cable television consultant, Lonn Hurd, has requested that the
City formally adopt a resolution affirming that it can meet the
requirements of the FCC for regulation of basic cable rates within the
City. The attached resolution reiterates that the City is empowered to and
will responsibly regulate basic cable rates.

ACTION: Reject or adopt resolution, with or without amendments.

7. Fee Resolution - Jim Wallace
The enclosed resolution adopts fees for the City effective October 1, 1997
as reflected by the adoption of the 1997-98 budget. The increases are
shown in the column to the far right.

ACTION: Make any revisions necessary to the fee resolution or adopt the
resolution as presented.

8. Set Date for Council Workshop on Grant Requests - Jim Wallace
During the budget process, the Council appropriated $28,000 for financial
support grants to various organizations providing community services on
behalf of the City. The grant applications will be distributed soon and
the Council needs to set a date for a workshop session to review the
applications and listen to organization presentations. The anticipated
deadline for the applications is October 10, 1997.

ACTION: Set Council workshop date.

9. Mayor's Appointments


Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions

Gib Myers
City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
Moscow, ID 83843

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