re: IHC Grant

re: IHC Grant

Kenton Bird (KBird@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Mon, 1 Sep 97 17:44:23 -0600

Susan, Melodie and visionaries:

In response to your request for "key humanists," how about inviting James
Howard Kuntsler, author of "Home from Nowhere: How to Make Our Cities and
Towns Livable." He drew a standing-room only crowd when he spoke at the UI
several years ago.

Another possibility would be a Northwest author who has written about "sense
of place" -- William Kittredge, perhaps? I think he still lives in Missoula.


Kenton Bird, Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism & Technical Communication
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1785
Voice: (970) 491-5986 Fax: (970) 491-2908

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