Horizon cancelling flights between Moscow and Boise

Horizon cancelling flights between Moscow and Boise

Tom Lamar (
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 12:06:13 -0700

Dear Vision2020,

I sent this letter to Horizon Airlines today regarding their recent decision.


August 26, 1997

Dan Russo
Horizon Airlines
PO Box 48309
Seattle, WA 98148

VIA FAX: 206-248-6361

Dear Mr Russo,

I am writing in regard to the recent announcement by Horizon Airlines
intention to cancel flights between Boise and Moscow/Pullman starting mid
October. I have to be frank by saying that I was shocked and disturbed by
this announcement. If this is a "trial balloon", it won't fly.

Various staff and Board members of the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental
Institute (PCEI) use this service between Moscow/Pullman and Boise to
connect with the rest of the Idaho and nation. I don't feel it is
appropriate for your company to make the decision to cut off a portion of
Idaho from the world. The announced alternative of two flights per day in
and out of Lewiston is not a sufficient replacement for four flights per
day at Moscow.

If this decision is final, it will have a definite impact on PCEI's
decision to use Horizon and Northwest Airlines in our future travel plans.
I have appreciated the service in the past; and given the price of your
current tickets between Moscow and Boise, I am astonished that you are
"losing money" on this connection.

Please reconsider this decision immediately and reinstate you service to


Thomas C. Lamar
Executive Director

cc: Pullman-Moscow Airport
Northwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines
United Airlines
Delta Airlines
University of Idaho, President's Office
Moscow Chamber of Commerce
Link Transportation, Inc
Palouse Travel, Inc

Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director

Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
Moscow ID 83843-1096
Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029

Please Note our individual staff email addresses below:

Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
Kathleen Lester, Office Manager:
Adam R. Thornbrough, Watersheds:
Colette DePhelps, Community Food Systems:
Kathy Roos, Transportation Education:
Jennifer Bell, Environmental Education:
Amy Hill, Bookkeeper:

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