Re: Regional Meetings (fwd)

Re: Regional Meetings (fwd)

Bill London (
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 11:37:22 -0700 (PDT)

Another meeting?
I joined the Idaho Smart Growth email list because I am interested
in the topic, and because I was hoping to get a statewide perspective on
growth/development issues.
Not much has happened on the list over the first few months of its
life (pretty common), and now the group's director has planned these
meetings, including one in Moscow. Next Tuesday.
I hope to attend. Sounds interesting, and besides, she promises
free refreshments. See below.......BL

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 14:16:02
From: Kathy Roos <>
To: Bill London <>
Subject: Re: Regional Meetings

The regional Idaho Smart Growth meetings are scheduled as follows:


7:00 to 9:00 pm, Tuesday, June 24
Community Center, 206 E. Third Street, Moscow

6:30 to 8:30 pm, Monday, June 30
City Council Chambers, 911 N. 7th Avenue, Pocatello
(across from JB's restaurant)

6:30 to 8:30 pm, Thursday, July 10
Boise City Library Auditorium 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise
(use 8th Street entrance and exit to the auditorium)

Meetings will be open to the public, so invite others you feel are
interested. They will be run as round tables, where everyone can provide
input (or not, if you would prefer just listening). Refreshments will be

Tentative Agenda Items (subject to input from meeting participants)

1. A brief overview of Idaho's Growth Trends

2. Identify regional growth trends, as well as the tools and organizations
already in place to help. Are we creating the quality of communities we
desire? Are there ways we can improve our management of growth?

3. Define Action Items: What can we as citizens, planners, architects and
elected officials do to improve the picture?

The meetings should be fun, informative and energizing. Please try to
attend one. Bring your examples, ideas and enthusiasm.


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