I'm not sure this choice has to be so "either/or."
For example, a linear park for the county consisting of interconnected
paths with well-placed turnouts or bubble parks here and there could go a
long way toward preserving both the wonderful Palouse viewscapes and public
access to them.
Perhaps what's needed is to incorporate planning for parks into county
planning (and zoning?).
Judy Brown
> Date: Wednesday, May 28, 1997 09:32:20
> From: Steve Cooke
> To:
> Subject: Latah planning
> Dear Visionaries,
> It occured to me that what I like about Latah Co. is the relatively
> population and scenic vistas. Either of these is in jeopardy under
> the alternatives before the Cnty Commission. If the current plan is
> adopted, I predict that the rural landscape will become dotted w/
> ranchettes. The Palouse will take on the look of the Bitterroot
> Valley so. of Missoula. The good news is that it will discourage
> inmigration.
> On the other hand if the rural/ag-forest option is included in the
> plan, then string development may occur and the scenic vistas saved
> for now. However, clustered development I predict will encourage more
> inmigration.
> It seems like a trade off between growth w/ beauty or
> stability w/ dispoiled landscapes.
> "Life is full of hard choices" Little Mermaid
> Steve Cooke
> Associate Professor
> Dept. of Ag. Economics & Rural Soc.
> University of Idaho
> Moscow, ID 83843
> 208-885-7170 (phone)
> 208-885-5759 (fax)