May 19, 1997 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of May 5, 1997 City Council Meeting
B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of April, 1997
The Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month
of April, 1997 and recommends approval of the following:
General $338,656.75
Parks & Recreation 54,458.03
Arts 3,554.57
Street 58,273.85
911 12,321.10
HUD Reserve 7,500.00
Water & Sewer 175,475.92
Sanitation 183,409.11
Parking 2,378.13
LID Bond & Interest 7,472.50
TOTALS $843,499.96
C. Surplus Auction/Police Department - Jackie Lovell
The Police Department is requesting authorization to conduct an auction to
dispose of unclaimed and surplus items on June 14, 1997. The US Forest
Service has requested one of the found bicycles for their Law Enforcement
Officers. Reviewed by Administrative Committee on May 14, 1997.
ACTION: Approve request for auction on June 14, 1997 and authorize
transfer of one bicycle to the US Forest Service.
D. Carlson Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Mr. John Carlson proposes to create a 110'x110' lot on Carmichael Road in
the Moscow Area of City Impact. Both resulting lots meet the minimum
requirements of the R-4 zone. Because this will be the second division of
the property, a fee in lieu of parkland will be required. Reviewed by the
Administrative Committee on 5/14/97.
ACTION: Approve proposed lot division subject to payment of fee in lieu
of parkland dedication.
E. Application for Beer and Wine Off-Premise Consumption License/Sunset
Marts Inc. at 1311 South Main - Elaine Russell
James J. Casey, President, has applied for a beer and wine off-premise
consumption license for Sunset Marts, Inc. at 1311 South Main. Background
checks have been approved by the Police Department.
ACTION: Approve beer and wine license for Sunset Marts, Inc. at 1311 South
Main subject to receipt of State and County licenses and sign off by inspectors.
2. Request to Fund a Storage Addition/Moscow Library District - Lori Keenan
The Library District has received a low quote of $1,283.21 to construct a
small storage addition adjacent to the south side (old section) of the
Library. The City is being asked to fund the cost of the project. Reviewed
by Public Works/Finance Committee on 5/19/97.
ACTION: Approve, deny, or modify funding request.
3. Ordinance Amending Section 1, Chapter 8, Title 1 of Moscow City Code -
Legislative Salaries - Jim Wallace
In accordance with the City Code, through an ordinance adopted in 1985, the
legislative salaries are scheduled to be reviewed and adjusted. The
enclosed ordinance incorporates cost increases since the last ordinance
revision in July of 1995. Reviewed by Administrative Committee on May 14, 1997.
ACTION: Approve ordinance on first reading, approve ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete readings, or reject
proposed ordinance.
3. Report on South Couplet Project - Gary Presol
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions