moscow city council may 5 agenda

moscow city council may 5 agenda

Gib Myers (
Fri, 02 May 1997 11:59:16 -0700




May 5, 1997 7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street


1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Minutes of April 21, 1997 City Council Meeting

B. Approval of Minutes of April 28, 1997 City Council Meeting

C. Contract for Engineering Design/Kimball Engineering - Gary Presol
Because of the workload encountered by the City Engineering Dept. City
Engineer has requested authorization of outside help on an engineering
project. The project is design of a replacement water booster station on
Indian Hills Drive. A proposal was requested from Kimball Engineering to
provide such services. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance on 4/28/97.

ACTION: Approve agreement with Kimball Engineering and authorize Mayor's

D. Wekerle Lot Line Adjustment - Dale Pernula
In October, 1995, Tom Maybury received approval for a lot division located
on Carmichael Road in the Area of City Impact. The current owner, Mr.
Richard Wekerle, proposes to increase the size of one of the approved lots
by reducing the size of the other. Both lots meet the minimum lot size of
the R-4 zone. Reviewed by Administrative Committee on 4/29/97.

ACTION: Approve lot line adjustment.

E. Right-of-Way Encroachment Request by Joe Knickerbocker, 603 West A
Street - Gary Presol
Mr. Knickerbocker has unknowingly constructed a fence approximately three
feet into the public right-of-way. It was brought to his attention that a
right-of-way encroachment permit would be required. Mr. Knickerbocker has
indicated he would be willing to enter into the standard encroachment
agreement with the City. The standard agreement states that the owner will
remove the encroachment at owner's expense if required by the City in the

ACTION: Approve encroachment agreement and authorize Mayor's signature.

F. City Hall Window Work Change Order - Randy Rice
The contractor for the removal of lead based paint around the windows on
the first floor of City Hall has agreed to do the second floor work for
$19,438.00. This would require a change order of that amount. The first
floor contract was under the budget estimate by $12,150.00. Acceptance of
this change order would result in a budget overrun of $7,2889.00. Reviewed
by Public Works/Finance Committee on May 5, 1997.

ACTION: Approve change order of $19,438.00. Authorize Mayor's signature.

G. Agreement for Engineering Services - Palouse Path Project - Randy Rice
The attached Agreement for Engineering Services defines the scope of work
to be performed by the selected consultant, David Evans and Associates from
Spokane, for the engineering and design of the Palouse Path project
extending from the state line to Perimeter Drive. The negotiated price for
the services is $15,881.00. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee on
May 5, 1997.

ACTION: Approve agreement and authorize Mayor's signature

2. Public Hearing - 7:30 p.m. - Application for Annexation and Zoning of a
0.5 Acre Parcel of Land Located North of McKinley Street - George & Roberta
Branson - Dale Pernula
The proposal is to annex and zone (MB) land located adjacent to the
Hillcrest Motel on the east side of North Main and owned by the owners of
the motel. A public hearing was held on this matter by the Planning and
Zoning Commission on April 9 (Minutes enclosed). The new parcel should also
be merged with the existing parcel to create a single building lot.

ACTION: After conducting public hearing, reject proposal; or approve
enclosed ordinance annexing the property and rezoning it to MB. Findings of
fact must be made on this matter. Also, the Council should consider a
merger of the three parcels into a single building lot.

3. Public Hearing - 7:45 p.m. - Ordinance Relating to the Placement of
Recreational Vehicles in the 100 Year Floodplain - Dale Pernula
The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently conducted an audit of our
ordinance and enforcement practices relative to floodplain management. One
code change they informed us we needed to make was with regard to the
placement of RV's in the floodplain. The Planning and Zoning Commission
held a hearing on this matter on January 27, 1997 (minutes enclosed).

ACTION: After conducting public hearing, reject proposal, or approve
enclosed ordinance on first reading or under suspension of the rules
requiring three readings.

4. Request for Noise Ordinance Waiver/Idaho Transportation Department - Gary
A request has been received from the Idaho Transportation Department for a
waiver of Section 11-3.B of the Noise Ordinance in order for the contractor
to work extended hours (4:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.). The request also includes
consideration for all-night work when it becomes time to apply the final
seal coat to the roadway. Reviewed by Administrative Committee 5/29/97.

ACTION: Approve or deny request for waiver of Noise Ordinance.

5. Determination as to Possible Public Improvements on East Palouse River
Drive - DeMeerleer/Whiting - Gary Presol
Jeff DeMeerleer and Dewey Whiting propose to open an auto body repair
facility in the east half of the former Bieren Distributors building at 215
East Palouse River Drive and are requesting a determination of possible
public improvements that would be required. Reviewed by Public
Works/Finance Committee May 5, 1997.

ACTION: Require standard public improvements or waive part or all of the

6. Request by Marshall and Rhonda Comstock to Waive Street Improvements on
North Washington Street - Dale Pernula
The Comstocks own a single family dwelling on the southeast corner of the
intersection of Washington and McKinley Streets which they intend to convert
to a duplex. They are requesting a waiver of the requirement to install
street improvements at this time. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance on May 5.

ACTION: Reject or approve waiver of street improvements.

7. Request to Extend Burning Period - Phill Gatlin
Due to the extreme wet conditions, the Fire Department is requesting a two
week extension of the burning period to allow residents to burn their yard

ACTION: Authorize extension of spring burning period for two weeks, or
deny request.

8. Final Subdivision Plat - Meadow View Addition - Dale Pernula
The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the final plat and PUD for this
six-lot development located on White Avenue on April 23, 1997. Conditions
of approval of the preliminary plat have been met.

ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve final plat subject to approval of the
plat and engineering drawings by the Engineering Department and withhold the
Mayor's signature on the plat until the public improvements have been
constructed or a development agreement has been executed.

9. Final Subdivision Plat - Replat of Lot 1, Block 2 of Partial Replat of
Hatley Addition - Dale Pernula
This proposed replat of land located north of State Highway 8, west of War
Bonnet Drive and south of "A" Street was approved as a preliminary plat by
the Council on February 24, 1997 and as a final plat by the Planning and
Zoning Commission on April 23.

ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve final plat subject to withholding of
the Mayor's signature until after completion of required public improvements
or execution of a development agreement.

10. Mayor's Appointments

Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions

Gib Myers
City of Moscow 208.883.7015 voice
PO Box 9203 208.883.7018 fax
Moscow, ID 83843

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