These are the Ordinances the City of Moscow has adopted. The
Board of County Commisisoners will consider these ammendments
Monday May 5.
Ordinance #96-20 Allows the City Planning & Zoning Commission
to consider some variances as part of a conditional or special use
#97-07 Limits exemption from subdivision parkland dedication
requirements to one lot for development with a single family dwelling.
#97-08 Amends the requirements for sidewalk in new subdivisions
#97-09 Lists amount of land to be dedicated in each zoning district.
#97-10 Amends the definition for day care facilities.
#97-11 Increases parking requirements for multiple family development.
#97-12 Amends building height requirements in residential zones
#97-13 Excludes fences less than three feet from the definition
of a structure.
#97-14 Amends lot width for lots with rear access to an alley.