Re: Office Depot

Re: Office Depot

Joel Hamilton (
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 10:37:39 -0800


Kenton is correct that the parcel in question has been zoned Motor
Business for many years. The decision faced by the Moscow P&Z Commission
was whether to replat the property -- to reconfigure the lot lines. The
commission recommended approval of the replat. I was out of town, and
missed the meeting, but I understanding that the replat itself was not
controversial, but there was some controversy over proposed conditions on
the replat related to off-highway access to the Appaloosa Horse Club and the
Pea and Lentil Commission properties.

A couple of comments regarding the suggestion that this type of
development should be encouraged to locate at the Eastside Mall. I too
agree that it is a shame to see the Eastside Mall property sitting partly
empty. On the other hand, if retail firms like Office Mart decide to locate
in Moscow, they do so with the intent of drawing customers from the entire
Moscow-Pullman community. To the extent that retail outlets on the east
side are successful in attracting customers from Pullman, this will
aggravate our already serious thru-downtown traffic problems. Yes, I would
like to see the Eastside Mall space better used, but I argue that it should
serve a neighborhood, rather than a community-wide retailing function.

Responding to Kenton's question -- No, the Moscow P&Z Commission has
not yet had hearings on the full land use section of the comp plan. This is
one of the major areas that the commission has yet to address. I'll try to
keep people informed as this process moves forward. For an update on the
status of various sections of the plan, check out the web page:

Joel Hamilton
Member, Moscow P7Z Commission

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