I hope not!
Most of the planning on the Whitman County side of the line has sought ways to
prevent commercial development of the corridor, except in the area near the East
Airport Road (where Central Pre-Mix is).
Moscow officials have said adamantly that they're NOT interested in providing
city services (water and sewer) to places they can't annex -- which rules out
anything across the state line.
And the Tale of Two Cities program in 1995 showed that while Moscow and Pullman
are indeed interconnected socially and economically, there is a great deal of
pride in each community and a desire to maintain their distinctive
If you ever fly into Denver, you can see what happens when communities are
allowed to sprawl together. The center of Fort Collins is about 12 miles from
the center of its twin city, Loveland. But the city limits are only three
miles apart, because of sprawl. The county has decided, too late in my
estimation, to buy up some of the land between the two towns to keep them
separate. I hope Moscow and Pullman don't ever grow enough to connect!
Kenton Bird
Department of Journalism
and Technical Communication
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1785
Phone: (970) 491-5986 Fax: (970) 491-2908
e-mail: KBird@vines.ColoState.edu