Re: Priscilla's Posting

Re: Priscilla's Posting

Greg Brown (
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 23:53:55 -0600 (CST)

At 09:34 AM 1/21/97 -0800, Lori Sodorff wrote:
>why is it that the Camerons cannot sell their parcels in less then 40 acre
>lots and yet all around us others are selling their land in very small
>parcels e.g. on mountain view (across from the Baptist church), on Joseph
>(just before slurp and burp), and out near eastman acres.

In short, because different rules apply to land located outside the City
and its area of impact (although there has been an effort to provide
uniformity in zoning designations) and because the zoning may be
different on pieces of land that otherwide, appear to be similar.
Zoning determines the type (nature, location, quantity) of allowable
Greg Brown (
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Forestry
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 453-7465

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