As you may know, Nancy Taylor will be leaving her position at PCEI at the
end of the year. Nancy has been with PCEI for 7 years and we are all sorry
to see her leave, but happy for her personal pursuits. Today we are
announcing the opening of Nancy's Position. Please review for yourself and
pass on to others who may be interested. If you have any knowledge of
listservers or web pages that may be interested in having this posted,
please let me know so that we get these places covered. Thank you for your
Sustainable Agriculture Program Director
Position Announcement
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
Moscow, Idaho
October 1996
The Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) is a proactive
grassroots organization with over 600 members working on regional
conservation and environmental issues. Since 1986, we have worked to
increase citizen involvement in decisions that affect the regional
environment. For this purpose, we have established successes in five
program areas: Sustainable Agriculture, Water Quality, Transportation,
Youth Education, and Sustainable Communities. The Sustainable Agriculture
Director is responsible for developing and coordinating PCEI's Sustainable
Agriculture Program and working with the program advisory Committees to
achieve the state goals and objectives:
Tasks and Responsibilities include:
- Serving as a spokes person for PCEI and the Sustainable Agriculture
program be able to articulate the mission and goals of the sustainable
agriculture program and the organization.
- Promote and coordinate education outreach projects on agricultural issues
for the purpose of fostering communication among various agricultural and
consumer interest groups.
- Develop an annual workplan for the Sustainable Agriculture Program.
- Provide guidance in overall Sustainable agriculture program long range
planning and evaluation with the Sustainable Agriculture Advisory
- Empower and assist volunteers to participate in local, state, regional
and national agricultural related committees and respond to legislative
- Recruit new member to the SA Committee.
- Develop and disseminate brochures and information regarding SA program
and projects.
- Assist in program fundraising.
- Oversee program interns and volunteers working on specific projects, such
as, From Seed to Shelf, Ag Options Network, SAWG and Organic tours.
Experience: The Sustainable Agriculture Program Director will have
demonstrated knowledge in agriculture issues in the west. The Program
Director will have good communication skills, be dynamic, energetic and
team oriented. She/he will be skilled withnetworking among diverse groups
of people. Experience with a networked computer system will be essential.
Fundraising experience will be beneficial.
Compensation: Starting $20,000/ year plus benefits
Starting Date: December 1, 1996 - January 1, 1997
Application Deadline: November 20, 1996 or until a suitable candidate is found.
Submit resume and letter of application to:
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
P.O. Box 8596
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Direct requests for copies of the complete job description or other
questions to Kathy Lester at PCEI (208) 882-1444
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
Moscow ID 83843-1096
phone (208)882-1444 Fax (208)882-8029
e-mail WWW
Celebrating ten years of connecting people, place and community.