>To: Marcia.Franklin@IDPTV.pbs.org
>From: lkeenan@norby.latah.lib.id.us (Lori Keenan)
>Subject: 1% Questions
>I just read the list of questions generated by Steve Cooke on the 1% to be
presented at the program on Oct. 17. I think they are all excellent and
would like to request that the issue of who will make up the funds lost by
public libraries also be addressed somewhere in the program. Public
libraries play a large part in the educational success of Idahoans, whether
it be pre-schoolers being introduced to books from the library, school-aged
youth making use of the library to complete assignments, or adults informing
themselves on health, consumer, economic or a large variety of issues. Now
that many of Idaho's public libraries are offering free access to the
Internet for those who cannot afford to have it at home, the importance of
keeping our libraries funded becomes even more crucial. According to
figures released by the Idaho Tax Commission, some of Idaho's libraries
stand to lose as much as 40% of their funding. We, in the public library
community would very much appreciate if our
>situation were addressed in the program.
>If you need more information on this, an excellent resource is Ann Joslin
at the Idaho State Library. Her e-mail address is: ajoslin@isl.state.id.us
>Her telephone is: (208)334-2153.
>Thank you so much for listening. Unfortunately, our e-mail server is down
and, while I can send messages, I cannot receive at the address above.
However, if you wish to respond, please send your message to my husband's
address: rmkeenan@uidaho.edu
>Thank you again, Lori Keenan
Lori Keenan
110 S. Jefferson Street
Moscow, ID 83843
tel: (208)882-3923
fax: (208) 882-5098
e-mail: lkeenan@norby.latah.lib.id.us