Sam Day to Speak June 4

Sam Day to Speak June 4

Cross Bert (
Fri, 31 May 1996 09:23:54 -0700 (PDT)

Sam Day, former editor of the award-winning Intermountain Observer
in Boise, will be in Moscow next Tuesday, June 4, and will speak at the
Unitarian Church at 7:30 p.m. on behalf of the "Stop the Shipments"
initiative to stop nuclear waste dumping in Idaho.
Sam is what is called a "political activist," and though he now is
blind at the age of 69, he devotes his life to crusading for just causes.
He lost most of his eyesight in 1991 from a stroke while jailed during the
Persian Gulf Was. He has been jailed a number of times for his non-violent
He began his political activism in Boise when he was still editor of the
Observer. On leaving Idaho he became editor of The Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientist and in 1978 became managing editor of the Progressive.
Sam is a dynamic speaker who believes deeply in what he is doing. He was
a defendant in an historic First Amendment case when the Federal Government,
through the Department of Energy, tried to stop The Progressive from publishing
an article about how an atomic bomb was made.
All of us are aware of the dangers of nuclear waste and I urge you
to attendthe session with Sam Day and to sign the petition to stop the
dumping and require a vote of the people before another "deal" is
made.--Bert Cross

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