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From: "Leigh Robartes-KUOI News" <LEIGH@SUB1.SUBNET.UIDAHO.EDU>
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:27:55 PST
Just to let you know that you'll have four chances to sample
Pacifica's other nationally daily news program DEMOCRACY NOW!
I'll be playing the daily edition of the show Monday through
Thursday, May 20th through 24th at 7:00 AM on KUOI 89.3. (cable: 93.3)
DEMOCRACY NOW!'s intent is to bring activists and the electorate
back into the media during the '96 election cycle. It's currently on
about 20 stations nationwide and is free to Pacifica subscriber
stations like KUOI. Unfortunately I don't think we have the
volunteer manpower/interest at KUOI to air it on a daily basis except
for next week.
The hourlong show will be preceeded by Making Spin, a
series of
programs produced by CounterSpin and Making Contact at the Media and
Democracy Congress in San Francisco earlier this semester. Making
Spin will run Mon. through Thurs. 6-7 AM.
Sorry about the early hour, but its the best I can do. Get up &
tune in. --Leigh Robartes
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