This April the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI)
celebrates our Tenth anniversary of service to the environmentand
community. We are having a party, and we want you to be there! To honor
the anniversary, the Board has scheduled this year's annual meeting for
Saturday, April 20 at the Carol Ryrie Brink Nature Park and the Eastside
Marketplace in Moscow.
The day will begin at 9:00am with a work party at the Carol Ryrie
Brink Nature Park. This event will augment the traditional Creek Clean-up
usually scheduled.
"What will our community look like when we grow up?" is the theme
for an art exibition by area school children open for public review at the
Eastside Marketplace at 11:30am. By noon, PCEI members and supporters will
sit down for a lunch catered by Pasta, etc. Lunch will cost just $5 and
promises to fill you to the brim. During lunch, we will watch slides of
PCEI projects. Board elections will, of course, be an important part of
the day, as we will add four new board members.
Following lunch and board member elections, we will listen to a
panel of speakers addressing the question: "What will the community look
like when our children grow up?" Following the speakers we will discuss
the role of PCEI in the formation of our community's future. At the heart
of the discussion are questions such as, "How does PCEI best respond to
issues of local concern?" "What should be PCEI's geographic focus?" "Can
Board members better represent community interests if they represent a
chapter unit of PCEI?"
The day promises to be fun, entertaining and productive for all.
PCEI 1996 Annual Membership Meeting
9:00am Carol Ryrie Brink Nature Park work party and sign unveiling
9:00am Paradise Creek Clean-up (groups go to their stream sections,
unassigned people go to the Carol Ryrie Brink Nature Park)
11:30am Youth Art Review. Theme: "What will our community look like
when we grow up?" artwork by area school children. Eastside
11:30am PCEI Board Meeting. Eastside Marketplace.
12:00noon Lunch by Pasta, Etc. Eastside Marketplace. $5 each
During Lunch: Slideshow of PCEI accomplishments
1:00pm Introduction of board nominees. Election of new board members.
1:30pm Speaker Panel. Theme: "What will our community look like when
our children grow up?" speakers representing a cross section of the
Palouse area community.
2:00pm Discussion of PCEI's role. How do we best represent the community
interests in our work? A discussion of our geographic
representation to include possible chapter formation.
3:00pm Adjournment