Re: rural vs. urban west

Re: rural vs. urban west

Gens Johnson (
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:30:10 -0800

I thought it was entertaining, but there really are two different "urban"
wests, and only one was addressed in the debate. The two "urban" wests are
Big Urban, like Seattle-Tacoma or Denver, and Little Urban, like
Moscow-Pullman, or even Spokane. Big Urbans have a life of their own,
conceivably quite independent of the rural west in the future. Little
Urbans don't. Daniel Kemmis (sp?) wrote about the symbiotic relationship
between rural and [little] urban in _The Good City_ book...going so far as
to suggest that a place like Missoula should have a civic government that
extended beyond the city limits to encompass all of the rural area that was
economically tied to Missoula. His advice was to stop deiniating between
urban and rural, it is artificial in a community like ours.


>Dear Visionaries,
> What are your reviews of the Rural vs. Urban West debate w/ Patricia
>Limerick et al. on Friday night?
> For me, the two are so symbiotic that a "divorce" seems beside the
>point. Plus, in a debate formate, after each side gets done trashing
>the other, it is hard to see how participants can then set emotions aside and
>explore possible win-win solutions, as they should in my view.
> Other thoughts?
>Steve Cooke

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