Eco-Compass Vol. 1, No. 10: Land Use in America (fwd)

Eco-Compass Vol. 1, No. 10: Land Use in America (fwd)

Diane Prorak (
Wed, 13 Mar 1996 12:18:38 -0800 (PST)

The newsletter below lists some interesting WWW sites related to land
use. Also, the new book referred to, Land Use in America, is on order
for the UI Library.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 08:24:57 -0800
From: Island Press <>
Subject: Eco-Compass Vol. 1, No. 10: Land Use in America

Eco-Compass is an electronic newsletter featuring Web sites of interest to
professionals, academics, and citizen activists concerned with the
environment. Each new Eco-Compass issue addresses an emerging
environmental topic, briefly describing and linking to the best sites
related to that topic. Eco-Compass is provided as a public service to the
online community by Island Press, a non-profit publisher of books that take
a solutions-oriented approach to environmental problems.

We encourage Eco-Compass readers to repost the newsletter elsewhere on the
Internet, as appropriate. All we ask is that you keep it intact.
Eco-Compass is now available through a mailing list. To subscribe to
Eco-Compass directly, simply e-mail a request to:
leave the subject blank and in the body write: subscribe islandpress-l .

Land Use in America

This month's issue of Eco-Compass addresses the issue of land use in
America, a topic covered in the recently released Island Press title of the
same name. Authored by Henry L. Diamond and Patrick F. Noonan, Land Use in
America is designed to help communities throughout the country accomodate
growth in better, more environmentally sound, more fiscally responsible
ways. As indicated by the sites featured below, those involved in land use
issues are beginning to look beyond parochial, single-issue concerns to
draw critical connections among land conservation, transportation,
development, and governance issues; and to take a regional planning
approach combining science, policy, and design.

Land Use in America also includes contributed essays by Howard Dean,
Douglas Wheeler, James Lighthizer, William Reilly, Christopher Leinberger,
John Georges, Kenneth Buelt, Jean Hocker, Charles Jordan, Norman
Christensen, Jerold Kayden, and John Baden.
Regional planning

Regional Plan Association []
Since 1929, the Regional Plan Association (RPA) has worked to enhance the
quality of life in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut region through the
creation, promotion, and implementation of long-term plans. RPA's research
addresses topics including land-use planning, transportation, economic
development, environment, governance, and social policy. [Dylan: we need
to talk with the others about including an announcement of and link to the
new RPA book]

The Cascade Network []
The Cascade Network addresses land use issues in the greater
Portland-Vancouver region. This Web site provides: studies on such
emerging issues as regional transportation and taxation of growth;
calendars of local/regional meeting notices; and regional and county-wide
news, including recent city council and planning commission decisions.

California Planner []
A project of the California Chapter of the American Planning Association
(CCAPA), this site provides an interesting range of information on land use
planning issues in California, including the "10 Hottest Planning Bills in
California"; the Ahwanee Principles for sustainable communities; conference
announcements; and "Urban Scrawl," an electronic bulletin board of CCAPA
Land use policy and governance

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy []
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is a non-profit organization dedicated to
research and education on land policy. The Institute offers courses and a
series of publications. This site includes back issues of Landlines, a
bi-monthly newsletter on land policy.

"Takings" Resource Page []
Sponsored by the Planning Commissioners Journal, the "Takings" Resource
Page provides information to help people respond to the "property rights"
movement. This site includes a wealth of background and emerging
information on takings legislation and property rights, including: a
primer on the 5th Amendment and an Introduction to Takings Law; a variety
of articles on property rights and the public interest; a copy of the
Private Property Rights Act passed by the U.S. House in 1995; and a
state-by-state summary of takings bills and legislation.

LGNet -- the Local Government Network []
Sponsored by the Center for Civic Networking, LGNet provides a range of
resources dedicated to issues of local governance. The Local Government
Resource Directory provides links to a variety of online resources on
governing; the site also includes publications, a listing of upcoming
events, news updates, and the opportunity to subscribe to a mailing list on
local government issues.
The science of land use

National Biological Service (NBS) []
Established in 1993, this bureau of the Department of Interior is working
to enhance scientific understanding and sustainable management of our
nation's biological resources. Included within the NBS site is the
National Biological Information Infrastructure, which provides access to a
range of NBS-derived data, as well as an excellent list of linked servers
containing biological information.

USGS National Mapping Program []
A project of the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Mapping Program
provides cartographic data and information to provide a geographic
framework for government agencies and private sector organizations in the
U.S. The site contains a wealth of information on land mapping programs
throughout the country, as well as a guide to obtaining USGS earth science
information and services.
Land conservation

Trust for Public Land []
The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a national non-profit organization
dedicated to the conservation of land for parks, gardens, natural areas,
and open space. Their Web site includes extensive information on TPL's
Green Cities Initiative, which is conducting land conservation programs in
pilot cities like Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Cleveland, and Los
Angeles, among others. The site also provides an excellent list of links
to related sites.

American Farmland Trust []
The American Farmland Trust (AFT) is a private non-profit organization
dedicated to the conservation of agricultural resources. AFT works to
prevent the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices
that are compatible with environmental systems. This site contains
updates on the national Farm Bill and on state and local policies and
programs; extensive research material via its Center for Agriculture in the
Environment; and information on obtaining publications, including numerous
technical documents, brochures, and previews of upcoming issues of American
Farmland magazine.
Transportation and urban development

Transact -- the Transportation Action Network []
Transact is a cooperative project of the Surface Transportation Policy
Project and USEPA's Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation. The
Network's mission is to reduce the burden of transportation systems on the
environment. This site includes case studies and articles on sustainable
transportation, information on EPA's Transportation Partners Program, and
an FTP library that allows users to browse and download text versions of
articles and publications on transportation and the environment.

Solstice []
As the Internet information service of the Center for Renewable Energy
Sustainable Technology (CREST), Solstice provides an extensive range of
information on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable living.
This site includes several excellent case studies on sustainable
transportation planning.

Urban Land Institute []
According to this Web site, the mission of the Urban Land Institute (ULI)
is to "provide leadership in the use of land in order to enhance the total
environment." While many portions of the site are still under
construction, ULI provides a "factoid of the week" on land use issues; a
"survey of the month"; news, including previews of upcoming issues of ULI's
journal Urban Land. and an extensive calendar of ULI-sponsored events.
Designing the community

LandNET []
Sponsored by the American Society of Landscape Architects, LandNet provides
information on publications, employment, and education opportunities in the
field of landscape architecture. The site includes "Education Link," with
a list of accredited landscape architecture programs throughout the U.S.; a
"New and Events" gateway providing detailed information on a variety of
conferences; and "ASLA Spotlight," a bimonthly discussion group featuring
interviews with leading figures in landscape architecture.

National Trust for Historic Preservation []
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is the leader of the country's
preservation movement. Their site provides a resource directory for
historic preservation, which includes a state-by-state directory of
historic preservation groups and events. A link entitled Preserving and
Revitalizing America's Communities contains information on a variety of
National Trust initiatives, including the Main Street Program. The site
also includes an extensive database of related organizations.

Planning and Architecture Resource Center (PAIRC)
A project of the School of Architecture and Planning at the State
University of New York at Buffalo, this site contains over 1600 links to
Web, Gopher, and FTP sites providing information related to urban planning,
architecture, and landscape architecture. PAIRC also provides information
on 110 architecture and planning-related electronic mailing lists.
The folowing Island Press titles address a variety of important topics
related to land use in America:

Collaborative Planning for Wetlands and Wildlife: Issues and Examples,
edited by Douglas Porter and David Salvesen.

Creating Successful Communities: A Guidebook to Growth Management
Strategies, by Michael Mantell, Stephen Harper and Luther Probst.

Greenways: A Guide to Planing, Designing and Development, by Charles Flink
and Robert Searns.

Land Use and Society, by Rutherford Platt.

Let the People Judge: Wise Use and the Private Property Rights Movement,
edited by John Echeverria and Ray Eby.

Land Conservation Through Public-Private Partnerships, edited by Eve Endicott.

Shading Our Cities: A Resource Guide for Urban and Community Forests,
edited by Gary Moll and Sara Ebenreck.

Trails for the 21st Century: Planning, Design, and Management Manual for
Multi-Use Trails, edited by Karen-Lee Ryan.

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