My visions for downtown Moscow:
1. A local gathering spot/eatery for H.S. students (besides Pizza
Pipeline). My real vision is that this would be designed and run by the
students for which they would receive credit. The CAD students could do the
design. The vocational education--business/marketing students (Jr high,
too) could work on the concept and construction, hire employees, keep books,
etc. Art students could decorate.
2. coffee house with internet connection
3. Someone pointed out to me that Wallace Office has not moved out of
downtown, but is operating out of the back entrance. Maybe there could be
financial incentives for the downtown business adjacent to the parking lots
downtown to improve their "back entrances," thereby encouraging people to
use the parking lots and therefore increase the perception of available
parking downtown.
4. Indoor playground for toddlers--maybe even with drop-in babysitting.
5. 50 meter indoor swimming pool. (Well, maybe not right downtown.)