Re: Tire deflator is caught

Re: Tire deflator is caught

Roger Coupal (
Sun, 3 Mar 1996 08:53:36 -0800 (PST)

Other than the brother of a local politician, who is Bob Huhta and why is
he doing this? Is a grown man or a kid? Does he live in the area?

On Sat, 2 Mar 1996, Tom Lamar wrote:

> Vision 2020 people,
> Some of you may be victims or know victims of tire deflation on Moscow
> Mountain. For many months now, dozens of people parking on the Moscow
> Mountain road near Pond Nine have had their tires deflated while they have
> been biking, hiking, or skiing. This is the same area where 60 PCEI
> volunteers picked up six tons of trash over a year an a half ago.
> Well the great news is that Bob Huhta, was caught this morning in the act
> of deflating the tires of a couple of cars!!! He was arrested and put in
> jail. (Bob is married to Terry Johnson Huhta, brother of Moscow City
> Council Member, Tony Johnson.)
> If you have had your tires deflated there, or know of others, please report
> the incident to Bill Thompson at the Latah County Prosecutor's office,
> 882-8580.
> Tom

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