And it chugs along. It says the file is 576k big and proceeds to read it
and display it. But then, when the map gets to about Styner Ave on my
screen, it just announces that it is all done; and it won't continue to get
the rest of the map. Is there a limit to the size of a .GIF file that
Netscape can display?
This is particularly bad because the public hearing on this plan will be
held Wed., Feb. 28. Dale Pernula in the planning office says that the only
copy of the arterial map is the original taped-together together topo maps.
There is no copy that we can walk away with, and mark on, and chat about,
and distribute and and comment on.
The only "personal sized" map is the one on Joel's web site. And that
doesn't work right for me. If anyone has any suggestions (or, better yet, a
copy of the map) please let me know.