The public built the roads, enabling those citizens priviledged
enough to have the physical skills to drive and the resources to own
vehicles, access to those roads. The private sector does not provide the
unpriviledged folks access to the public roads. Kids, the poor, the
disabled, the elderly all have transportation needs and transportation
rights. Since we have built a transporation system which excludes them,
public transporation is necessary from that statndpoint.
When we talk about moving commuters, those priviledged types who have
skills to drive and money to buy cars, then public trans is an economic
consideration. In simple terms, which costs more, wideneing of a
roadway, adding parking spaces and incresing oil imports, or providing
Talk of privatizing transportaion, or privatizing public trasnportation
ignores the underlying fact of the public stake in the entire
infrastructure, and the interwoven relationship of transportation
and landuse
Excuse me, but my term on the committee was completed, I did not
not resign. (A trivial detail to most, importatn to me!
> Dave Peckham, who recently resigned from being Chair of the Region 2 Public
> Transportation Advisory Committee, wrote most of the PT plan for our
> region. Dave may have some additional comments on public and private
> interests.
> Pam Palmer