The reference to the UofI sparked a thought: I'm not certain, but
I think the UofI has a special tarrif (put in place as part of the
upgrade last year). It may well be that this special tarrif will
exempt them from the general tarrif, with result being that they
will not end up having an increase and that they will maintain
their toll free access to pullman? anyone know more details?
(ps. my message to the puc did make it through on the first address
that tom posted????) I'll attach their reply below...:)
>From Fri Dec 22 08:56 PST 1995
Return-Path: <>
X-Nvlenv-01Date-Transferred: 22-Dec-1995 9:54:22 -0700; at NGM2.Idaho
X-Nvlenv-01Date-Posted: 22-Dec-1995 10:00:27 -0500; at PUC.Idaho
From: (Myrna Walters)
To: (John Teeter)
Subject: Re: GTE proposed rate/service changes in Moscow/Potlatch Exchan
Date: 22 Dec 95 10:00:22 MST
Mr. Teeter:
We have received your comments regarding GTE's Local Calling Plan
proposal - IPUC Case No. GTE-T-95-3.
Your comments will be circulated to the Commissioners for their
information and will be made a part of that case file.
Myrna Walters,
Commission Secretary