trash on Main Street

trash on Main Street

Bill London (
Sat, 16 Dec 1995 09:48:39 -0800 (PST)

A recent posting on 2020 involved the trash on Main Street generated by
the Pizza unit downtown. Kay was irate, and rightfully so.

After having a chance to talk with Roger Blanchard (of Moscow
parks dept, which is responsible for kepping those sidewalks/trash cans
tidy), I too am disgusted.
Roger says that following the opening of the pizza place, the
amount of time spent by his department to try to keep the downtown clean
increased by a factor of 5. Time equals money of course, so in essence I
(and all other Moscow taxpayers) are subsidizing this one business's
wasteful ways. They sell cheap pizza, consumers toss waste paper
somewhere near trash cans, the city follows behind picking up the mess.
City employees must be shifted from other tasks to handle the increased load.
Is the answer pressure from the council?
The threat of an ordinance?
Demands that the business send out workers every 15 minutes to
collect trash during the lunch rush and every half-hour during the resto
of the day?

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