humble pie time

humble pie time

Tue, 05 Dec 1995 15:26:35 -0800

** Proprietary **

time for a "mea culpa"

the bike path project does not remove trees on the south side of sixth.
phil waite has corrected me on this...

the side walk curves and goes behind the existing trees. the existing
trees are shown in a grey tone on the drawings, and there is a parking
lane south of the bike lane. i was reading all that to mean a new curb &
sidewalk, with a parking lane extending from the existing asphalt to the
new curb, hence the trees would be demo'd.

i was wrong. as phil points out, the existing curb stays, the trees stay,
the sidewalk does move south, and the parking lane is much narrower
than i was reading.

if all that is confusing, suffice to say i read the paln wrong and stand


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