The public hearings on the area of impact, property rights, and the
zone change will, of course, be opportunities for public input. I
personally am very interested in more public input on the area of impact
issue, and hope there will be a big public turnout.
Following these public hearings, if the commission has any remaining
energy, there may be some further discussion of the draft transportation
section for the comp plan. We are trying to come up with a draft which can
be scheduled for public hearing in a month or so. While this is not a
public hearing, there is usually some opportunity for some public input into
these discussions.
Joel Hamilton, Member
Moscow P&Z Commission
At 06:53 PM 11/28/95 -0800, Fritz Knorr wrote:
>Will there be any opportunity for public input at this meeting?
>> The next Moscow P&Z Commission meeting is this Wednesday, November
>>29, in the Council Chambers, City Hall. There will be several items of
>>interest to people on this list:
>>** Public Hearing - 7:35 pm. - Consideration of the following elements of
>>the Moscow Comprehensive Plan Update:
>> - Area of City Impact Subsection of the land use section
>> - Private Property Rights Section
>>** Public Hearing - 8:30 pm. - Application for Rezoning Property Located on
>>the Southwest Corner of "A" and Lieuallen Streets from I to R-4
>>** Transportation Plan Update
>> -- Transportation Section
>> -- Parks and Recreation Section