But, doggone it; I still have questions, questions, questions. And I must
say that although your articles are well written and informative, you are
not explaining the basic civics of the situation.
Who IS the EDC? What is their role in this business park? I thought some
sort of Urban Renewal Agency was issueing bonds? Is the URA just a
"figurehead" and they hand the cash from the bonds over to the EDC?
And, once more, who is the EDC? Where did they get their charter to raise
my property taxes by $800,000? Don't taxing districts have to have elected
commisioners? These guys were not elected. How can they run a taxing district?
And once more, who is the EDC? Who are the members, what are their terms?
When are the meetings? Are copies of minutes available? Budgets?
Income/expense reports?
What is the EDC's income right now? Is there other staff? What does the
EDC do now, before they build their business park? Where did the design for
the B/P come from?
Who is the EDC? Where did it come from? Who chartered it? Is it a
corporation? 501(c)(3)? If it is, then it has Articles of Incorporation
and By Laws? Who is the EDC working for?
I just love hidden boards and commissions (I even ran for election to one :-)
On Tue, 28 Nov 1995 johnt@fsr.com (John Teeter) wrote:
>>>>>> "gregory" == gregory and kyla burton <gburton@moscow.com> writes:
>actually, (at the risk of loosing credibility by actually supporting the
>snooze); i thought the story was well focused. Carole has worked hard
>to bring options to the city and I'm sure she's disapointed with this
>set-back re: land prices. Sounds like she just got out bid, which just
>goes to show that land is pricey in moscow. But many of the issues are
>right on. I could move to the pullman park asap and they'd build the
>building. it DOES make it hard to stay in moscow....
> > As far as taking the time to put your own spin on the news -
> > shame on you Kenton -
>Hey, everyone puts their own spin on the news, its just that some
>think about it and some just do it...:)