>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Brown <> writes:
> From: Lori Sodorff <> To: vision 2020
> <> Subject: Sheriff Joe Overstreet
> Message-ID:
> <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> I am starting here because so many people subscribe to this
> newsgroup and it made sence.
> Is there anyone out there who can either confirm or deny the
> rumor that Joe Overstreet received a D.U.I. on or about the
> sixteenth day of November? This supposition is running rampant
> around town and needs to be dealt with. If it is indeed true,
> it speaks very poorly of the Sheriff and his administration. If
> anyone has any information one way or the other please respond
> so that this matter can be delt with accordingly. Thank you
> Lori K. Sodorff-Henson