Kochman Rezoning

Kochman Rezoning

Dr. Carl Melina (
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 10:12:51 -0800

The Latah County Zoning Board met November 1, 1995 to hear the
request for rezoing an 85 acre parcel 5 miles east of Moscow from
Ag/Forestry to Rural residential 5. The parcel is adjacent and north of the
Woodland Hills development. The Board voted 2 to 1 in favor of the rezoning
and will send their decsion to the County Commissioners to be acted upon
sometime in January.

In support of the rezoning was the owner, William Kochman and his
planner David(?) Plummer, of Hodge and Assoc. as well as chairman of the
North Tomer Water District (NTWD), Daniel Green. Four adjacent land owners
spoke in opposition. The Board voiced concerns about the potential for 16, 5
acre parcels since this would be permitted by the new zoing designation,
although Kochman presented verbal reassurance that a contract existed
between NTWD and himself which would limit the subdivision to five parcels.
Kochman's application and argument for rezoning in part stated the following:

That the parcels were designed to allow hilltop development thus
utilizing the most unproductive eroded sites for housing.

That the rezoned parcels would act as buffers between a residential
area and an agricultural zone.

That NTWD would stand to gain a shop building, a well and access to
that well under the proposed agreement.

That all utilities were available to the new development and
therefore this would not be a precident setting rezoning as other parcels in
the neighborhood did not have access to similar utilities and water.

Arguments raised against the rezone included:

Deviation from the county plan for 40 acre parcels in an
agricultural/forestry zone.

Visual impact of hilltop housing.

Precident setting for further rural residential 5 rezoning in the area.

Inadequate planning for traffic access and wildlife.

In general the rural resident in attendance were disappointed in the
decision and the residents of the subdivsions of the NTWD were pleased.

I am interested in hearing from anyone with a willingness to
confront the County Commissioners prior to their decision on this issue.
Someone with some planning expertise would be helpful.

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