I invite people interested in community and economic development to surf and
link to a new web site: Openair-Market Net.
This is the World Wide Guide to Farmers' Markets, Flea Markets, Street
Markets, and Street Vendors. It aims to provide information about open air
marketplaces around the world, both formal and informal. This will aid
scholars, professionals, and planners who are interested in studying
marketplace phenomena; and vendors and farmers looking for places to sell or
needing assistance. Every open air market related resource on the internet
should be accessible from here.
An important function of this page will be to alert the world community
about markets and their vendors in jeopardy of being shut down.
We are always looking for shorter essays, reports, or working papers about
open air markets. We welcome people to be correspondents and report to us
about open air markets and street vendor issues in their area.
Feedback, comments, and criticism are always welcome.
- Steve Balkin (Roosevelt U. in Chicago)
OPENAIR-MARKET NET: The World Wide Guide to Farmers' Markets, Flea Markets,
Street Markets, and Street Vendors.
E-mail: mar@interaccess.com